Bulls V2.00, map for Shadow Warrior V1.2 or higher. ___________________________________________________ Title : BULLS V2.00 Filename : bulls2.map Date Finished : 06.10.1997. Author : Vedran Jelenic IRC Nick : Zagor Email Address : vjelenic@zg.tel.hr HomePage : http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/5911/ - DUKE NUKEM 3D http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/5911/sw.htm - SHADOW WARRIOR Misc. Author Info : 20 years old, born and live in Zagreb, capital of Croatia ( it's a small European country between Italy and Hungary ( but u already know that :P ) ). I have made MANY maps for Duke Nukem 3D ( please check out the _duke3d.txt ), and if you want to download them, please go to : http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/5911 Description : It's a conversion of my 'old' map named BULLS I've made for Duke Nukem 3D I got a lot mails from various people with comments what's good and what's bad in that map so I decided to add a lot of new things, like outside city area etc... PLAY INFORMATION ________________ Single Player : Nope Cooperative : Nope WangBang : YEAH CONSTRUCTION ____________ Base : Modified BULLS.MAP ( My map for DN3D. ) Build Time : Few days, more or less. Editor(s) used : Build for Shadow Warrior. Known Bugs : Dunno !? Please, email me if u find any. COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS _______________________ - Authors may NOT use BULLS2.MAP as a base to build additional levels. - You MAY distribute BULLS2.MAP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. - You may distribute BULLS2.MAP in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. - You MAY include BULLS2.MAP in any GROUP complitations. - You may NOT alter the level in any way. *** Vedran Jelenic, 1997. ***