=========================================================================== Title : The Factory Filename : Factory.map Author : Yo.... E-mail : Oldjunk99@aol.com Other Levels : Additional Credits To : 3dRealms (who did not create and will not support this level), Ken Silverman for creating BUILD. Moe, Larry, Curley, Shemp, and not to be forgotten Jack Daniels =========================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes DeathMatch 2-8 Player : NOT!! Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Art : No New Music : No New Sound Effects : No Installation : The Usual.... Just make sure you put both the Factory.Map file and the Thundr.Voc file in your SW directory. =========================================================================== Description : I will be the first to admit, this level is not top notch. It started out as an experiment to try to get different and unusual things to work in SW, some that were not supposed to be able to be done. Yes, I asked for help, read examples of many who posted to the SW WangsDojo site, and tried and tried and tried until I got things to work. Many did not, some did. Anyway, LoWang appears at the office of the Factory, hoping to talk with his long time friend Hong only to find him dead, and the place swarming with Zilla Henchmen. The rat bastages.... Anyway, LoWang hears an unusually fierce storm rolling in so he sets off in a hurry to try to clean out Zillas Henchmen and return the factory to normal production. Ha! Is he in for a big suprise. LoWang has heard rumor that Zilla was attempting to harness the power of the ancient egyptian gods, and pharohs. What he finds is beyond belief, and the ghosts of the dead kings are really pissed off. Your job is to clear out Zillas Henchmen, return the factory to normal production, and return anything else you might find..... if you can. Play thru slowly, so you can experience the effects I tried to build into this map. Listed for the raging storm, look for trick and hidden switches, some of which are critically needed to progress, where others will set or trigger traps. Note the split doom type doors that lock, and the realism I tried to insert into some areas like the ventilation room. Most of all, enjoy. Please feel free to look at, and copy the tricks if you want, and incorporate them into your maps. We need more Single Player Maps!!! =========================================================================== * Construction * Level Editor Used : BUILD Construction time : Several Months Known Bugs/Problems : The sky in the garden has a bad spot. I tried to fix it but could not. :-(.... =========================================================================== File location : At better SW sites everywhere.