------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2071 | helixhorned | 2011-10-03 10:44:06 -0700 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) | 4 lines Fix being squished in sectors with little headroom but extended non-blocking ceilings or floors. In such cases, you're not squished unconditionally (instead of fetching the ceiling or floor height of the neighbor sector), but TROR isn't meant for small-scale RoR anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2070 | helixhorned | 2011-10-03 10:43:51 -0700 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) | 1 line Fix dragpoint()!!! There was a bug that omitted setting the new position of certain wall-points since the TROR introduction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2069 | helixhorned | 2011-10-03 10:43:36 -0700 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) | 12 lines Initialize prlights[lighti].flags.invalidate with 0 when calling polymer_addlight(). I have no idea whether it's the 'right' thing, but it fixes this: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) at polymer_updatelights (polymer.c:5090) by polymer_drawrooms (polymer.c:938) . . . Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation at loadmaphack (engine.c:9482) Fix another uninitialized access when rendering jpegs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2068 | helixhorned | 2011-10-03 10:43:16 -0700 (Mon, 03 Oct 2011) | 4 lines Delete maphack lights when changing from Polymer to another renderer. This fixes a crash when loading a map afterwards. Tweak a few debugging messages and some whitespace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2067 | plagman | 2011-10-02 17:14:56 -0700 (Sun, 02 Oct 2011) | 3 lines Polymer: support for creating a debugging context in winlayer This also fixes a warning when building for Windows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------