------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3138 | Plagman | 2012-11-09 14:31:02 -0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2012) | 13 lines Add automatic tracking to the sector[], wall[], sprite[] and tsprite[] arrays; any write access to them will run the corresponding hook and write to the [sector/wall/sprite/tsprite]clean array. Note: tsprite and sprite use the same hook and require running a few more instructions per access in order to disambiguiate; this could be made more optimal (like the other arrays) by clearly separating the types in the game code. Note #2: taking a member's address currently marks it dirty because of tons of helper functions across the editor code. I don't know how many read-only accesses we have after taking a member address, but it could also be fixed with some finessing of the code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------