------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4338 | helixhorned | 2014-02-19 11:47:28 -0800 (Wed, 19 Feb 2014) | 3 lines engine.c: always setup blending table whenever drawing translucent objects. BUILD_LUNATIC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4337 | helixhorned | 2014-02-19 11:47:25 -0800 (Wed, 19 Feb 2014) | 7 lines Lunatic: engine.setupDebugBasePal(), auto-detect 2nd+ shadexfog.translate(). engine.setupDebugBasePal() set up the water base palette such each of the first 15 "ramps" of 16 consecutive colors has a single, "representative" color. For example, color indices 0-15 and black, 16-31 are dark gray. In shadexfog.lua, list remappings from LOOKUP.DAT that are expressible as remappings of 16-tuples. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See http://svn.eduke32.com/listing.php?repname=eduke32 for more details.