date: 6th of April 1998. quake deathmatch (1 on 1) level ================================================= title: 13b (1 on 1 map) file: 13b.bsp author: tigger-up-late email address: URL: description: 1 on 1 map. open and fast and round. second map in series. extra: 13b_obot.ent (this is an entity file which contains *waypoints* for the Omicron bots, see below) ================================================ play information single player no cooperative: no skills 0,1,2,3: no Capture the Flag: no deathmatch: yes - made for 1 on 1 only new sounds: no new graphics: yes - some from quake2 and others i've put together new music: no how to use: place the 13b.bsp file in your quake/id1/maps folder (make one if you don't have one). start up a multiplayer game. at the console (press ~) type the following map 13b (press enter) (press ~) make sure you have a friend (or bot) to frag. about the .ent i've included a file called 13b_obot.ent. file: this file contains the 'waypoints' for the Omicron bots. u can use this file to give these bots a *fair* start. how to use the 1. make a copy of 13b.bsp .ent file: 2. rename the copy 13b_obot.bsp 3. place 13b_obot.bsp, 13b_obot.ent and qbsp.exe in a temp directory (qbsp.exe is from id, and part of any level editor prog, you more than likely have a copy if you have ever d/loaded any quake editors) 4. start up a dos-box (go to a dos promt) and cd to the temp dir that you placed the above into. 5. type the following at the promt qbsp -onlyents 13b_obot.ent 6. exit the dos-box and copy the 13b_obot.bsp file to your quake/omicron/maps dir (make one if u have to, or just put it in your quake/id1/maps one) 7. start up a Omicron bot game as per usuall and type the following at the console map 13b_obot the bots now will have *waypoints* to follow and will not need to *learn* the map from you. the reason i didn't do this is because it creates *entities* called *waypoints* that only the Omicron bots progs.dat file can understand. therefore it will be a map that if loaded under any other progs.dat (ie, a normal dm with a friend) will produce a heap of console trash on load. (looks like shit to me :]) next map will be 13b_obot.bsp after compile with the 13b_obot.ent file included ================================================ info this map was made for a 1 on 1 game only. i have no idea how it will play with more than 2 people. it does have 5 dm start points, but that's all (in order to try and keep the bad respawns down). it is a tighter, faster verison of my 13 map. it is however a fair bit different and plays a lot faster i think. map 13 was losely based around an earlier map of mine called 'mice'. you can get this map from my site if you like. it ain't glvised. (i used -nowatervis) weapons placed for dm1 and dm3 rules ================================================ extra info there are 2 spots where the r_speeds reach about 520. these spots are on the lift (looking towards the stairs) and on the stair looking at the lift. :] the rest of the level is below 500 (with one player running around) made for speed and fast playing games, with no camping spots or section with an advantage (i think). an Omicron Bot seems to enjoy this level, and will learn it fast (without creating wayspoints even). only ever used one bot, no idea how others will play worldcraft does not handle 'circles' well. every 'outside curve wall' vertex was moved and aligned by hand. it seemed to construct very 'dodgy' shapes when these cylinders were 'hollowed' and did not place vertex's on hole numbers on the grid, which leads to 'dodgy' compiles. next map is 13b (same map) ================================================ construction base: none editor: WorldCraft (1.6a) by Valve other progs: wqbsp (v1.65) - Ken Alverson (KenA@TSO.Cin.IX.Net) ArghLite 2.0 and q2towad by Tim Wright ( Newwad1.3 - (originally pcx2wad 0.98 by Daniel Gilliland); Modified by Christopher Wise know bugs: none build time: about 3 days compile time: qbsp 55sec vis 41sec light 27sec (pII 300, 128 meg ram) any problems email me any enquires email me any questions email me ================================================ tested with the following bot Omicron Bots (v1.02) - ================================================ thanxs to: lag_hag and Mr.Shiny ================================================ Distribution and legal: Copyright (c) 1998 ray, All rights reserved. Portions copyrighted by id Software, Inc. This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. ================================================