THIS PATCH LEVEL DOESNT INCLUDE ANY OF ID'S CODE OR DATA. IT DOES NOT INFRINGE IDS COPYRIGHT ON QUAKE OR THE QUAKE TEST. This is a patch level for the Quake Test Level 1 adding a few monsters! This is only a limited demo. Support Id and BUY QUAKE when it comes out. Don't be disappointed by the original test; this shows you how hot Quake can be/already is! To install: * CHDIR to your QUAKE directory * UNPACK ID1.PAK if you haven't already. If it works you'll see files such as MAPS/* SOUND/* etc unpacked. * RENAME ID1.PAK ID1.BAK * Run MAKEEVIL * Run QUAKE and type MAP 1EVILWAY Full instructions/history/story in 1EVILWAY.TXT Red Ice.