================================================================ Title : Ace's Base DM Filename : AcesBase.bsp Author : Brian McClelland Beta-Tester : Rich Whitehouse (TheFatal1@concentric.net) Adam Smith (Katarn@netlinkcom.com) Phil Luhn (Luhny1@aol.com) Email Address : AceComb@mindspring.net (I'm having some temporary trouble with my ISP, so if you E-mailed me and never got a reply and really want one, try me at AceComb2@aol.com. Description : Nice title, huh? I made a base-ish DM level and never could think of a name for it. It's just a good, fairly small DM level. No lightning gun or ring, but everything else. This is my first REAL level attempt, but don't think that that means it's crap :) If I ever make a REAL level attempt (not just "this iz my first levil lol") I put time into it :) Yeah, whatever. It's BSP'd for transparent water too. Additional Credits to : Id Software, for making Quake and destroying most of my productivity Ben Morris, for making Worldcraft and destroying my remaining productivity ================================================================ * Play Information Level Name : Ace's Base DM Single Player : Not really Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope Deathmatch 1-16 Player : Yes, up to 16. But that's crazy for this level. 6 is good. * Construction Build Time : Two months of leisurely work and week-long breaks. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft reg 1.2 or something Known Bugs : None, AFAIK. Build Time for QBsp: (all times in seconds) QBsp : 121 Light -extra : 542 Vis -level 4 : 685 (using a Pentium 233mmx/64) * Info * This should run on a low end pentium pretty well, since I made most of it when I had my Pentium 120/32 (and 16 for a while). If you like it, E-mail me. If you hate it, think of a reason why you like it, and then E-mail me :). This is not a product of Id Software, so don't ask them for help or blame them if something goes wrong.