Filename: cgum.bsp Map name: The Church of the God of the Utterly Malign Creator: The Infamous Ibbi email Kudos to: T.C-Dave ( for confirming this level is Bad! Singleplayer: There's a spawn site, but nothing to fight. Coperative: NO! Deathmatch It's what quake was made for Newtextures: No. Not even one Patches Nope Base: Completely new level from scratch. Editor: Worldcraft & Notepad, what would we do without it? Made (completed) Time is cyclic, so it could have been tommorrow, but it was probably sometime in February Time to make 3 weeks, on and off Machine Made on a P166 with a diamond stealth 3d card and 16mb ram Time to compile About 20 minutes to qbsp, light and vis. Comments In the author's (i.e. mine) opinion, this is a cramped map. There are pillars to run onto, things slightly to high to jump from a standing start and lava to die in. But i was fed up with it and said: "Enough , Thats it, my brain is melting, I AM FINISHED" Teamplay might be possible, but I have not tried it (not a member of a clan ) Bonus marks to anyone how can spot where the name came from! If you have enjoyed this slightly soggy map, why not try my other creations to pummel your friends / enemy / pets into insy - winsy pieces to line your driveway Ibbi4vrb, complex7, ennogeht. Feel free to critise. Disclaimer. This map can be twisted beyond all sanity by who is out there. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Please just acknowledge me in the credits, or ask permission first, like the good little carbon based lifeforms that you are.