*********** WALNUT CREEK OP: THIS IS A QUAKE1 DEATHMATCH ONLY LEVEL ********** ============================================================================== Title : DeathMatch Arena #10 · Deathmatch Zone! Filename : DMA10.BSP Author : Carlos Sisí Email Address : sisi@iname.com Other levels by author : DMA1 trough DMA10, and GLDMA1 (all available in Walnut Creek ftp.cdrom.com site) Description : You were asking for it. This is my personal approach of the "space base" kind of levels. I have run away of the classic "space base" set of offical Quake textures because i really think DM3 is already unbeatable in both gameplay and good looking design. Instead, i borrowed one particular texture of a .BSP and remixed it with certain cool textures of Quake2. And here is the result. I have also removed the classic blurry curtain of stars that features the teleporters in Quake and made them more Quake2 alike. I think it is okay because of the feeling of the level. There is no traps nor secrets this time. The level plays best without them as it is intended for quick ´n happy fragging. The deathmatch entry points are also marked with colored spots, so take care of the campers that lurks on this spots. (do they really find funny to do that???) Additional Credits to : Id Software - I could have picked a chick without Quake... (oh my) Mr. Elusive at the Omicron bots - The best thing after the Reaperbots. Wow. Ben Morris - Oooh we´re not worthy! Walnut Creek - Thank you for hosting! I wish to give *big thanks* to all the people which is sending me e-mails saying how much they like one particular level. Thank you people for your support! Waves to the fellow who said that my levels sux! :-) I do need this kind of support sometimes (hehehe) ============================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Quakematch 2-16 Player : YES (4-6 players recommended) New Sounds : No New Textures : Yes, from different sources. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs : please report any to sisi@iname.com * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You may also do derivative works of this level, just tell me so and give me credits. As far as i know there are already derivative works of DMA6 and DMA7, for which i provided the .MAP source, so here, should be no problems: I am providing the .MAP source by e-mail if u ask for it. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications, and that you are actually giving it for FREE. Cover CDs and Walnut Creek compilation CDs are the only one granted to distribute this BSP. So here´s the deal: do NOT make money with my work. If you are Actura kind of people who is stolen other peoples work, you´ll be damned forever with a zero divide error each time you start your Quake game, unless you have W95 installed on your comp, in which case you are getting it with ANY other application anyway (tee hee). So there. * Where to get this MAP * Walnut Creek ftp.cdrom.com site. I know the DMA serie features in certain other places along the web, but i can´t say for sure: i have lost the track.