============================================================================== Map name : HellKeepeR's DungeoN file name: dungeon.bsp author : HellKeepeR aka Philip Kempermann e-mail : hellkeeper@frankfurt.netsurf.de http : //people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/hellkeeper ============================================================================== Single PLayer: Hell No!!!! Coop : Even less! Deathmatch : This is the only way Quake is supposed to be played! For all of you without a network adapter: Get one, nullheads! ============================================================================== I basically tried some stuff out with this map, but still wanted to create a good-looking level. It has a ancient temple and other nice looking stuff in it. My clan, the FalleN AngelS think it is pretty cool. Special thanx to Ben Morris, the creator of WorlCraftİ, and all the ppl who contributed to QuakeLab, where I either took some ideas or items from.