================================================================ Title : 28/4/99 Filename : KYSMELTS.BSP (All my levels have KYS at the beginning.) Author : Kayos Email Address : dreamer_scm@hotmail.com Description : Melted Sky I originally did this for Taskmasters Deathmatch Compo thing, but after I sent it off I went on holiday and shit and couldn't collect e-mail for two months. And he never sent any to the other address I gave him, so I never heard anything about it. So I am plonking it on the net where it will no doubt sink into the depths of oblivion and promptly be forgotten about three days after release. If it is ever noticed. ;) I know these things, it has happened before. I have also done KYSENTRY, KYSENTY2, KYSENTY3, KYSDEATH, KYSBLOOD and KYSHELL. I even had a web page at one time.*sniff* ** Found this level of mine on my HDD, dated 10/9/97 thought I'd plonk it on the net as it looks like I forgot, and that I'd take this oppurtunity to say I'm going to be leaping straight back into level-editing for Q3A, so see you there. Hope that the test is released this week ** Additional Credits to : ID Software, for Quake. Chris Cartello, for Quest. (Yes, I still use this... death to all Windoze products!) ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Melted Sky Single Player : Well, it has an exit. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope.. Deathmatch 1-4 Player : Oooh yeah... Deathmatch 4-16 : Supports there... bit of a bloodfest... Deathmatch 16+ : Well, only 16 respawns and its a bit small for that. Difficulty Settings : No. Anything else new : Umm. Nope. Other than lots of stunning originality. Comments : Well, my bro and his buddies have played this, as well as my mates and me. And we all think its the best we've ever played (OK, I may possibly be biased in my opinion there.), even pipping ID's levels to the post. But, as always, if you like it, play it and tell me. If you don't, don't play it and go jump under a bus. (Joke. Don't do that. E-mailing me and telling me why would be far more beneficial to the pair of us. I swear.) ================================================================ * Construction * Base : The soul-slaying epitomy of darkness. Build Time : About a solid day. Plus endless tweaks after that. Editor(s) used : Quest and MS-DOS Edit the best editors around... Known Bugs : None... but if you want to be REALLY impressed, then play GL Quake and get to see the Q symbol in the water. Oooh. Gosh. Wow. * Legal Stuff - Actura take note * You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch compilation etc., as long as you include my text file and give me credit. The .map may be edited and compiled for internal use, but the modified level may NOT be released without the author's expressed permission. * Where to get this MAP and my others * ftp.stomped.com ftp.cdrom.com * FAQ - How do i run a bsp? * copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of id1 called maps, ie c:\quake\id1\maps then run quake. go into the console by pressing the key left of the 1 key, and type in "map xxx" the .bsp extension should not be typed in, and neither the inverted commas. Now u can't go wrong... ;)