================================================================ Title : Population Control Filename : pcontrol.bsp Author : Harvey "Papa Control" Morris Email Address : thefargi@erols.com Description : Having spent many a night playing the original Abandoned Base, it occured to me that the base wasn't really abandoned... everything was in tip top shape, no blood or other signs of Quake's depridations, no broken structures, none of the decay normally associated with areas that had been "affected" by Quake. So I set about changing that. This level is what an abandoned base would be, after Quake's minions had torn through it. Naturally, this leaves the perfect playground for a bunch of battle hungry marines ;) And we'll just ah... ignore the handy weapons and armor lying scattered about. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes, 6 is an optimum level of players, 4 results in a slightly slower game, 8 in a more frantic experience. Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes, some Scourge of Armagon textures used New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : No QuakeC Patches : No * Construction * Base : Original level Editor(s) used : BSP v.75 Known Bugs : None Build Time : Roughly 35 hours building, 5 hours playtesting Comments : As this was designed to be a heavy action ffa level, I endeavored to eliminate the effectiveness of camping. While you can still sit in an area, it's pretty much impossible to rack up any serious frag count. In field tests with eight players, flow worked well, with a decent distribution of people in each area, and no excessive level of congestion anywhere. The level is well stocked with toys, containing two rocket launchers, three suits of green armor, two yellow, and one red. There are also three megahealths, and a goodly number of normal health packs. All weapons are present, as well as one quad and one one pentagram. The pentagram requires a rocket or grenade jump to reach, and the quad requires either a ton of health and armor, or a good bit of luck ;) Two teleporters allow for quick transportation between both sides of the map, and there is a fast one way path that leads quickly to the basement, but no quick way out, which is intentional, due to the rocket launcher and two megahealths available.