September 1997 ================================================================ Title : The Push File name : Author : Noah Grey E-mail Address : Homepage : ================================================================ -* Play Information *- Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (32 starts) New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (two original textures) CD Track Played : 8 GLQuake Optimized : Yes ================================================================ -* Construction *- Base : Created completely from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5 shareware Build Time : About two weeks QBSP / Light / VIS Time : 4:21 WQBSP, 4:28 light -extra, 31:43 RVIS -level 4 Brushes, etc. : 1039 brushes, 151 entities, 173 average leafs visible Known Bugs : Standard (non-GL) Quake exhibits some greyflash in a few areas, though the biggest problem is the spikes in the "eyes room" flickering in and out of view while dropped. Neither problem occurs while playing in GLQuake; this level was pretty much designed "for" GLQuake, in fact. ================================================================ -* Instructions *- Assuming you already know about setting up and playing a multiplayer game, just make a MAPS subdirectory in your QUAKE\ID1\ directory and drop push.bsp there. Incidentally, I made this primarily for myself to play with reaper bots; I don't have any quake-playing friends to provide feedback, so if this level runs slowly over the Net, my apologies. :) ================================================================ -* Description *- Tunnels, lava, more tunnels, spikes, teleporters, yet more tunnels, "pushers", switchable crossways, metal/medieval mishmash, and -- lest I forget to mention -- tunnels. This is my first "real" Quake level (I made a sad, small single- player level before this, but decided it wasn't good enough to distribute, so consider this my first). Needless to say, I'd be very glad to hear what you think of my fledgling effort; I know it's far from great, but if you did manage to get one moment's enjoyment out of it, I'd love to know. :) Feel free to write to me and/or visit my page (links listed above) to share your thoughts, and be assured of a friendly and listening ear. ================================================================ -* The Story *- (What, a story for a deathmatch level? I know, I know -- but it almost begs to be made sense of *somehow*, don't ya think?) ;) --------------- It is said he was a wise and kindhearted, though mysterious, man; a recluse, rarely seen outside the gates of his castle. And it is said the castle was once, indeed, a beautiful and remarkable place: built of a rare blue stone, dazzling bright decorations along every wall and in every corner. As the years passed, the townspeople whispered rumours of his increasing dealings in unholy magick. Some reported visions of otherworldly beings swirling around the castle; even the very sky above their heads seemed to absorb the death and corruption, turning a shade of purple unlike anything anyone had ever seen. It is said that as his power grew, so did the silent terror he struck in the hearts of those that lived in his castle's shadow. Even after the castle, by some new and unknown magick, became sealed from within, the gates and windows becoming solid brick. Never was he seen again by mortal eyes, and in time he merely became something of a myth; mothers passed along his name to their children as the bogeyman, the monster under the bed. And then the disappearances began. The disappearances were seemingly random; one by one, men and women would simply vanish, leaving no trace of their physical selves. Their fate is unknown, but there are the visions, the rumours, the recurring dreams, the ravings of madmen, to shape our imaginations... It is said he lives on, though not as a man. It is said he gave his soul to a god known only as Quake -- a god that offered him greater power in the dark arts, and warped and corrupted him beyond anything mortals can comprehend. It is said the castle bears little if any resemblance to its former self; the main halls, sealed off forever from the outside world, stripped bare of their cheerful decor, became a dark maze of tunnels. A dark chamber opened up beneath the earth, directly beneath the castle; for what purpose, no one can say. It is said the main chamber, once so glorious, now bears only the foreboding image of his eyes on every wall -- are they his eyes, or the eyes of Quake himself? -- and the seal, stamped into the floor, of the dark god to which he gave his life. Is it from there that he weaves his terror even now? And then there are the traps, the devices that -- it is said -- were built to offer souls in sacrifice to Quake. A grand torture/sacrificial arena was built inside the castle, of which no details are known, save for a recurring image of a bloodied, beaten face sliding in and out of the darkness. It is said people are thrown into this dark, twisted place for a kind of amusement -- like lab rats, doomed to madness in their supernatural prison. And they do go mad, one by one; that much we can assume. There is no escape -- there is only the darkness, the sight and stench of death, the mad devices and the mad screams and struggles of the mad souls, those who will get no closer to peace than to join in the oblivion that belongs to he who made this place. It is said you are next, and it is certain you too shall go mad. ================================================================ = Copyright (c)1997 Noah Grey, all rights reserved, etc., etc. = ================================================================