Title: Thunderball Filename: thndball.bsp Author: Chris Hedberg e-mail: chrished@microsoft.com Description: A half-pipe o' death. Fun for mouse players, and surprisingly good for expert keyboarders, too. Hint: Jumping will get you to all sorts of fun places! Credits: Worldcraft is God and Ben Morris is the prophet! ID Software; The guys on the Excel team for playtesting the sucker; KillMe for making inspiring levels. ============================================================= *Play info* Single player: Not to speak of. Co-op: Nope. Deathmatch: Should be good for from 2 to ~10 players. Has around eight starts, but they're mostly off the ground, so telefrags shouldn't be too frequent. Plays very nicely with 4-6 players. Difficulty: Nope, since no 1p or co-op. Requirements: Despite my best efforts, there are 1-2 areas with high counts (~500 polys) so it's going to be best on a P100 or better. *Construction* Base: From scratch. Build Time: Probably 36 hours. Editor: Worldcraft. RVIS and ArghLight used to compile. Known bugs: None known. If you find one, tell me! Comments: This is my first worthwhile full level. I've submitted a cool gadget or two to The QuakeLab and I'm working on a Millenium Falcon solid model. Anyone who knows why QBSP and VIS have such a wild hair up their butts about connected cylinders and other rounded objects, feel free to mail me and 'splain. * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this level freely, as long as you do not profit from its distribution and you include my text file. You may create levels based on this level, provided you give me credit and notify me so that I can see the result. The textures used in this level are the property of id Software.