*** this map designed for the TeamFortress quakeC patch *** http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress January 31, 1999 ================================================================ Title : Dune Filename : Dune1.bsp Author : Tobias M. aka SmashMouth[CFH] Email Address : DbleOSvn@dccnet.com Special Thaks To: : Anyone who helped on the map in any way, Jeff[DFA], Mr Fluffy[CFH], CIdle[CFH], Leviathon[CFH], Flik, Tom[CFH], Mp|AC,WadoKai, CFH in general, and the ex-ID doods. Description : The first version of dune, where two teams battle for the flag over dunes, under ground around water falls and under water. Where to get it : http://www.user.dccnet.com/dbleosvn/dune1.zip ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No TeamFortress : Yes, works for 2-32 players, best for 8-24. Itll work for just one player if u like lookin at cool stuff =) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Editor(s) used : BSP by Yahn Bernier Known Bugs : Some grey areas in a very un accessable part of the map. Build Time : A long time ================================================================= Details: This map is designed specifically for the TeamFortress quakec patch v2+. It is capture the flag style map, with the following objectives: The blue team must make it to reds flag room and take it back to their base to capture it for 10 points, the red team must also do the same. If the flag is dropped, it remains on the ground for 15 seconds and then is returned to base. Each team must prevent the other team from achieving their goals. Use dets to open strategic points on the map for offence. Move defence to different positions to counter. The map has 4 detpackable walls/boulders/grates in each base. The boulders underground are re-dettable allowing them to be opened and closed by detpacks. The grate can only be blown from below, and there is another detpackable wall oustide. The last detpack point is above the flag room and it can only be destroyed from above. Beware of the bottomless pit (of death) underground. Fall down that and yer life ends in a fountain of splattering blood droplets. There are lots of places to conc/pipe/gren/rj to so have fun! =========================== Copyright and Legal Notices =========================== Permission is granted to distribute dune1.bsp in a public forum as long as this text file (dune1.txt) is always distributed with it. All other rights withheld, in particular: - You cannot reverse engineer, alter, modify or in any ways change dune1.bsp or this text file and then redistribute it without expression permission from the owner (Smash Mouth).