**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.6 quakeC mod **** 16/10/97 ================================================================ Title : E.M.P. Filename : emp.bsp Author : Brian Green Email Address : bmg@kcbbs.gen.nz QW : Midori[BH] Description : TeamFortress v2.6 Quake Map TeamFortress Homepage : http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress : http://www.teamfortress.com Clan Braveheart Homepage: http://braveheart.warzone.com E.M.P HomePage : http://www.mirai.or.jp/~bmg/emp.htm ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress v2.6 or higher QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch (2-32) : No TeamFortress (2-32) : Designed for 10-20 people.... Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : Not Yet... New Graphics : A few new signs... New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5b (Registered), EntEd, Edit Known Bugs : None... (Yet) Build Time : 3 Weeks.. (Includes Beta Testing) Light : (Extra)about 16 Mins RVis : (Level 4) about 4 Hours (Transparent Water Vis) * The Story So Far * Mission Briefing.. There once was a joint research project between two governments to develop an E.M.P (Electro Magnetic Pulse) weapon but the relationship between these two countries has broken down and they are now fighting for sole control of the research complex. When the complex was set up one of the major worries was that this situation might arise, so two reactors were built, one in each of the government's bases. The plutonium required to charge the reactors was refined into two types Red Pluto and Blue Pluto, and then stored in the other government's complex. i.e. Red Pluto is in the Blue Base and the Blue Pluto is in the Red base. This was done so the generator could only be fired with both government's permission. You and your assault team are charged with the responsibility to destroy as many enemy troops as possible by using conventional assault techniques and by utilizing the E.M.P generator as a weapon of mass destruction... The primary objective of your assault force team is to capture enough plutonium to charge your reactor to 100% and then trigger it to cause some serious damage to the enemy... Your secondary objective is to seek out and destroy any enemy that are found and provide cover support for your team members that are trying to return a Pluto rod to your reactor. If you are killed the Pluto rod is exposed to the air and disintegrates, another one is generated to replace the one that has been lost.. (i.e. you don't drop the item when you die, it's lost. Thus you must survive one full run to capture a rod).. Each time the E.M.P. generator is started it drains all the power from your reactor and so it has to be recharged. Good Luck... Supreme Commander William Wallace Out...... * Game Play * Each side has 5 Pluto Rods. 2 * 10% charge - easy to get near the front of the enemy complex 2 * 30% charge - harder, must go a bit further in to enemy complex 1 * 50% charge - at the far back of the enemy complex The rods are regenerated when processed or dropped, back to where they came from. You can carry more they one rod at a time,and one reactor where you place the captured rods... Stand on the platform at the back of the reactor. The reactor takes 10 seconds to process each rod. Once the reactor is at 100% it will still accept the rods but will just discard them i.e. the team will not get any more points until the reactor is discharged by firing the EMP generator. The reactor charge level is shown on the back wall of the reactor room and on the front of your base. The switches at the back of the base open a door to the second floor above. One door can be jumped to from the top of the boxes and the other one is by the upper level 30% rod. In the upper room is Rockets so you can stock up on grenades. The Red Armor is Blast Armor. * Other Info * I whould like to thank all the people who helped me Beta Test this map and also the server admins that setup the beta maps on the servers for testing.... Thanks... Please Email me with any suggestions, Bugs etc , Thanks. Above all just have fun. Brian (Midori[BH]).