Sunday, September 13, 1998, 10:30am ============================================================================== [Title]: Engineer War [release v.1] [File]: engwar.bsp [Author]: [alias]: X-p3rT [real name]: Louis Finazzo [Email Address]: [Personal URL]: [Previous works]: "X-p3rT" for Paint Ball Quake 1 [Description]: This is an Engineer only map designed to correct some annoyances and small proglems in the original "Engineer Battle" (engbat) TF map. Things such as too small areas, small doorways, too slow ammo, etc. Also, a few new things have been added. [How to install]: extract engwar.bsp to your x:\quake\fortress\maps directory extract the backpack.mdl to your x:\quake\fortress\progs directory ============================================================================== Play Information Single Player If you wanna look 'round Cooperative: No Capture the Flag: there are flags to be captured Deathmatch: uh..... no Team Fortress: Yes New Models: No (The backpack?) New Sounds: No New Graphics: No (A few textures from various other TF maps) New Music: No Mega TF Entities: Not in this version ============================================================================== Construction Base: New level from scrach Editor: World Craft 1.5b and 1.6 (shareware) Know Bugs: None Build Time: Probably took about 6 hours total. Qbsp: seriously.... a few SECONDS! Light: again... only seconds! Rvis: About 30 minutes... seriously! ============================================================================== Gameplay (READ THIS! to understand how this map is played and what to do in it and why it's not as boring as it looks) Pick a team (red or blue) and then pick engineer (you can ONLY be an engineer. Hence the name: Engineer Wars. Trust me, it's fun :). When you spawn, grab an ammo pack and find somewhere... ANYWHERE in your base to build a gun. Note: the door straight ahead will open in excactly 3 minutes after the first person has left the ammo/respawn room. Also note that the other team will be coming through that door in 3 minutes, so build a gun and rotate it to what you think will be most effective. There ARE spots that can almost own the whole map (see my theory about killing sentries below) and there are some spots that leave your gun very vulnerable. It's up to you to find the "sweet spots" (I already know em :). Once everyone on your team has their guns built, it's suggested to talk to your team and get a strategy. Believe me, there IS one people! Just running into their base mindlessly WILL get you killed and does NOT work (99.9999999 percent of the time). Also, it might be a good idea to build a despenser where you think it could slow down their team and in Mega-TF (the coolest thing since cheese-in-a-can), it might be a good idea to lay some mag mines where you think their team will be traveling a lot. Once the door opens, it's all on from there. You must blend a mix of defense and offense. Have some people stay behind and keep the guns in good condition, while the others try different tactics to destroy THEIR guns so that you can get..... THE FLAG! (I know yur probably thinking "oh boy, another flag...."). If your team is smart enough, you'll FIND a way to destroy their guns so that you can grab the flag (up top in the cat walks) and return it in your base (the cap point is straight ahead of where you jump across that little gap in your cat walks). If you do that, you will have a few seconds of where you cannot take any damage. Use this to storm their base and pop their asses! Note: A good defense won't have to worry about them getting your flag and getting that invulnerability, if you have your guns set up right and you are SMART! This map is a THINKING PERSON'S map. There IS strategy involved and it is a HELL of a lot of fun. The feeling that you get when you have a really good gun set up, and you see a grenade bounce right up next to it... those tiny seconds are intense. And the feeling when you end up controling their base (so many guys in thier base that they cannot build any guns cuz you keep shooting them) is also pretty damn cool. That's kinda the objective, to eventually control their base. ---------------