Welcome to the world of FoozBall! This is another one of the maps that will define TFSports in the future. This map is the first one of mine that actually works. Thats why there really aren't any obstacles to get past to score, and its not really detailed. Dont worry. In the update look for: 1. Doors that open for one team only to stop respawn campers. 2. The ball will not be picked up, it will be kicked around. Just like reg. soccer. (maybe) 3. Like Spazball, there will be ads around the arena. 4. Hills or something to make it harder to score and better for snipers and engineers. 5. Maybe have a scoreboard up, and maybe have defense appear like in SpazBall. If you have any other ideas for the update, just email me at dday64@earthlink.net Just to tell ya all, this map is level 4 VISed (Yes!!!) and there are no bugs whatsoever.... well besides getting 4 points when you score instead of 3 but oh well does that really matter? =) Hope you enjoy this map! Stick The Following Items: -------------------------- Put the map Foozball.bsp in your Quake\fortress\maps area Put the ball1.mdl in your Quake\fortress\progs area if you dont already have it from Spazball. Put flagcap.wav in your Quake\fortress\sound area. Put flagtk.wav in your Quake\fortress\sound\misc area. Have fun and look for the update in the coming weeks!!