-=pract3b2 is designed for TeamFortress=- Map name : Practive Version 3 Beta 2 Filename : pract3b2.bsp Date : 12/20.97 Size : 1.14 mb (Hmm a little bigger then I expected) Made by : Phydiux Email : phydiux@birdfeeder.com Get it at : ftp://www.birdfeeder.com/phyftp/quake/maps or : http://www.birdfeeder.com/phydiux/quake/maps You might also try: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com (These are all places to get TF maps, as well as other maps.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -=Info=- This map was created using Worldcraft, with entities modified with Ented Beta 1 had a problem with crashing the server I was testing on; hopefully that has all gone away. Also I found a few little errors in the first beta, and I wanted to get rid of them This map consists of two teams; offense, and defense. Recommended for 8-16 players, but supports up to 24 -======- -====Teams====- Defense (Red team) has to protect their base, and key (Hence the name -=Defense=-). Simple enough right? well, you're wrong. You've got offense foaming at the mouth to get their hands on your key; and they'll do anything to get it. Offense's job is to get defense's key. -============- -=bases=- Alrighty Defense got this big fat base, right. you've got alot of things to protect, so don't go dilly-dalling around trying to get into offense's base. What're you going to do in there anyway? they have no key. sure...you can try to get in and then camp...but you're job is to defend. don't go wasting your time in their. Ohh defense..if you are going to waste your time why don't you take the waterways there? Offense. You don't even have a base; You've got a respawn room. The reason I did this is because this is a practice map. I figured I wanted to keep the flow from offense going into defense's base...to make it tougher for both teams. If you've constantly got people coming in; Defense gets better, right? Yes, right. -======- -=Ohh by the way, please email me and tell me how you like this map. If ya do; I'd love to make more, by why would I waste my time if it wasn't ever played cause no one liked it?=- -=Map specs=- this map contains: 687 brushes 200 entities 55 miptex 142 texinfo Light info: extra sampling enabled 200 entities read lightdatasize: 204548 0 switchable light styles 661.0 seconds elapsed Vis info: 359 portalleafs 845 numportals average leafs visible: 45 c_chains: 308662 visdatasize:5986 compressed from 16155 73.0 seconds elapsed I started processing this map..and went away; fortunately my computer didn't lock up or anything, and all turned out well. I was surprised that this only took as long as it did on my P120 :) -=About the Author=- This is my first publicly released map. email: phydiux@birdfeeder.com -==================-