**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.6 quakeC mod **** 3-1-98 ================================================================ Title : SPEEDWAY Filename : speed2.bsp(speed2.zip) Author : Matt Armstrong(HellFace) Email Address : armstron@flash.net Description : TeamFortress v2.5 Quake Map Team Fortress http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress/ ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress/ or from ftp.cdrom.com Single Player Yes. Lots of fun that way. Really. Cooperative That'll be the day. Deathmatch No. TeamFortress No. Not at all. Does not work with TF at all... oh, wait. I ment yes. Difficulty Settings No New Sounds Yes. 4. But they're all small. New Graphics Yes, 4 models New Music Inclosed please find the new Warren Zevon box set. Demos Replaced Get a life, okay? * Construction * Editor(s) used Worldcraft, QME, ENTED Known Bugs None known. Build Time 3 weeks to build original. 2-3 days to rebuild update. QBSP 21 seconds. VIS level 4 4 seconds. LIGHT 12 seconds. It was compiled on a VIC 20 with 20 killobytes. Really. Thanks to Id, and the Team Fortress guys. Special thanks to Nick for helping with ideas and playtesting. Extra Special thanks Moriarty for being such an annoying bastard. INSTALLATION It's set to unzip directly into the QUAKE directory. If you keep the directory tree, should all work. If not: Speed1.bsp goes in Maps. *.mdl go in FORTRESS/PROGS/ *.wav go in FORTRESS/SOUND/MISC/ Game play: Ever play baseball? You start in your dugout. When you leave, turn right if blue, left if red. That'll take you straight to first base. From first base, there are two doors to the pitchers mound. Red and Blue. Red Ball behind Red Door. Blue ball behind Blue door. Duh. get the enemy ball! Run the bases! Then get home for the homerun! You can run the bases in ANY ORDER. But you have to hit home last. For those from Oz and other places lacking baseball knowledge, The bases run COUNTERCLOCKWISE from 1st to 3rd. The outfield is behind 2nd base, and the 4th base is HOME. IF you need to resupply, try the area between second and third base for the shortstop resupply room. Left and Right field are even better. Center field is especially nice for goodies. If you feel lucky, take a swing at bat. Just jump the home base ramp. You may go YARD!(American slang for hitting one out of the park[sigh... foregners...]) Each base you touch gives you a little something back. HomeRun gives EVERYONE on your team a little something. The ball, if dropped, goes away QUICK. Don't wait around if you see it lying there. That's it. PLAY BALL! TIPS: If you have the ball, DON'T stand around and get in a firefight. Fast and slippery running is a better bet for you. That Ring of Shadows in the outfield... see it? You CAN get it. Try the left side of the tunnel below it... KNOWN BUGS None. VERSION INFO SPEED1.bsp 12-2-97 Everyone who played it LOVED it. Too bad that was the playtesters. Never once ran on a server. SPEED2.bsp 1-5-98 Some small problems needed fixing, and as my much more popular map Hwhell was being redone, I thought I'd take a few minutes out to fix them. This way, if anyone ever DOES play it, it'll work perfect. Fixed the Yard bug so you get the quad easier. Also put a message at each base so you always know where you are. Just walk up to the post, and it'll tell you. By the way, Bases in Baseball run COUNTERCLOCKWISE. SPEED2 revision A 3-1-98 Lots of changes. You wanna know what they are? TOUGH. IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. Other Info I have more info, but it's all secret, so bug off. PLEASE report any glitches not mentioned here. Thank you all for playing. Don't forget the hotdogs. LEGAL: Map property of Matt Armstrong. You may include it in your commercial package for a one time only fee of Sixteen million dollars. Otherwise, distribute freely.