19 May 1998 ================================================================ Title : Silicon Valley Version 3 Filename : svalley3.bsp Author : Matt Manuel(Greymon) Email Address : greymon@bellsouth.net Description : Team Fortress level with 9 starts per team Thanks : Fyredancer, Scarecrow-X, Crazy Ivan, ]BK[IRS, and all my other map testers. Huge Thanks : to PlagueBearer|OSKI for invaluable advice and technical support, as well as many great ideas. Additional Credits : All the usual list of ID and TF programmers Check out Clan AR's server hosted by Crazy Ivan =Red_October={Clan AR} It also features his awesome map TFexper3. Version 4 out soon. Also check out my friend Bloodfire's page:http://www.cyberhighway.net/~dhudson/bloodfire/ He's also got some great maps in the works. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Co-operative : No Deathmatch : Nope. TeamFortress : Of course... Contents : svalley3.bsp svalley3.txt medpack.mdl chip.mdl New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yep, I recolored some textures. New Music : No Demos Replaced : None, who would replace that great TF movie? * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft, EntEd, AdQuedit Known Bugs : None worth mentioning. Build Time : Too long; much too long. Compile machine : Pentium 200, 32 Megs Compilation Time : Around 20 mins total ================================================================ * The Aim * Standard Capture the Flag TF. Actually, it's a computer chip, and you have to process it, but you get the idea. Silicon Valley, as in the place where your computer chips are made. Figure it out. There is also the opportunity to score by detpacking the enemy computer center. ================================================================ * Latest Version * Svalley3 is a complete overhaul of svalley2. I've completely re-textured and re-lit it. Also, I've started cleaning up the map, removing excess brushes and textures. Also, I've added a great deal more detail to give it a more thematic edge. As mentioned above, I added a little bit to new gameply. Now the computer center, where a team takes the enemy flag to capture it, can be temporarily destroyed. The computer will bebuild itself after 10 seconds. The demolitionist will be rewarded 3 frags and his team receive 3 teamscore. Hopefully this will add a little bit to relieve the monotony of capturing the chips over and over. DO NOT attempt to destroy your own computer. I have no mercy on llamas. ================================================================ * Other Info * Well, this map is pretty simple. Two forts at opposite ends of the map separated by water (hmmm...sounds familiar). However it is not simply a 2fort clone (if you are a llama who only plays 2forts, you will get lost, but dont expect any sympathy from me). In addition to a narrow bridge, there are two ledges high on each wall providing ways across the water. Of course, there are water passages to get you out of the water if you fall in. In addition, the valley (yard, whatever) between the two bases is large and contains two bunkers and a sniper tower on each side. THERE IS NO BLOODY SNIPER ROOST!! Use the tower. It actually requires some talent though, so I understand why most snipers are afraid of it. There is very little cover for the snipers, to prevent them from dominating the large yard. This map is intended to be harder than most to cap on. The chip return is set at 30 seconds to make it more difficult for one person to cap alone by moving the flag forward bit by bit. Hopefully this map will force people to work in organized team fashion, such as offensive squads. When you steal the enemy's chip, take it to the computer terminal in the room below the entrance to the flag area. Team scores are the standard 10 points per cap. There is a door immediately up and to the left inside each base that can only be opened by the home team; it's not a bug. Also, resupplies and respawns are separated, and the respawn doors are one way to (hopefully)prevent respawn camping and limit telefrags. Everything else you should find out in play. :) =============================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * You are free to post it anywhere free of charge only...but tell me (email) if you do. Any server who wants to use it, please do. In fact, you all better or I'll get real upset. Do not modify or alter this map in any way or use it as a basis for other maps without my permission.