**** This map designed for the TeamFortress quakeC mod **** 19/8/97 ================================================================ Title : TFShip Filename : tfship Author : Tony Bruno (map) Shawn Anderson (TF Entities) Montie Condry (Concept Consultant) Email Address(es) : bruno@badlands.nodak.edu shawna@prairie.nodak.edu Description : TeamFortress Quake Map Additional Credits to : Those wonderful human beings that designed Worldcraft! Additional Disdain to : The team that let Deathmatch Maker leave the lab. A pox upon them! Check out the TeamFortress homepage at: http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress or from ftp.cdrom.com Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch (2-16) : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft, EntEdit Known Bugs : None Build Time : 18 hours (This version) Too Many Damned Hours (Deathmatch Maker Failed Version) * Other Info * This is a two team capture-the-flag map. Each team has their own ship, floating in the upper atmosphere of a jovian class world. The objective is to infiltrate the enemy ship, and capture the enemy flag which is in their cargo bay by the warp core.The flag must then be returned to the captain's chair on the player's bridge. How to use this map: =================== Copy the tfship.bsp file into your quake\id1\maps or uake\fortress\maps directory. Then run quake. In the console, type "map tfship" (without the quotes) Neat Stuff to Look For: ======================= Don't forget to ride the shuttle between the ships. Sure, you can teleport between them...but then, how will you get a look at the ships from the outside? Design Notes: ============= Our team has wanted to design a Team Fortress map ever since we discovered TF 2.1 and 2Forts4 early in the summer of 1997. With that goal in mind, we purchased Virtus' Deathmatch Maker, as it was the "easiest" editor to work with, and started designing a ridiculously ambitious -- and woefully uncompleteable -- level. It involved four warring villages, a central lake, and a cage of velociraptors (!) that, when triggered, would attack the players as they went through their motions. Neat idea...but, with Virtus's product, we couldn't even get the cental lake area to compile without massive leaks and seas of gray areas. Logically concluding that we must have been doing something wrong -- because no company would release a hopelessly crippled editor on the market! -- we set to work on a less-ambitious project: Two warring starships. We knocked out one starship in record time, but, when vissing that relatively small ship took over two hours on a Pentium 166, we realized that we might have a problem with the editor and not with our skills. Thus, with fear in our hearts, we downloaded Worldcraft 1.17r Shareware and set out to learn it. 48 hours later, this level was completed. I could -- and probably will -- write an essay explaining everything that is wrong with Deathmatch Maker as a Quake editor, but that diatribe does not belong in this document. What *does* belong here is a heartfelt nod towards the vision, skill, and capabilties of Mark Kusec and Rowan Crawford for their fantastic product "WorldCraft". We will register it ASAP, and we urge everyone who is working with this product to do so as well. These people have earned every cent they have asked for this editor! This simple level could not have come into existance without them. For that, we owe them our thanks. TFShips uncompresses to a heft 1.1 MB. We're considering creating a 4--team variant, with the different ships linked by the bow to a small space station, but we'll see what kind of response this map garners. The Worldcraft map is available for all those that ask, with the condition that this design team is referenced in a readme document as base designers. Have fun! See you online! If you want to play on a QW server running this map, copy the tfship.bsp file into your quake\qw\maps directory.