======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Theho v1.0 last revised 21st May 98 * greetings and salutations * philosophy behind this map * credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== **** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.65 quakeC mod **** 21st May 1998 ================================================================ Title : Theho v1.0 Filename : theho1.bsp Authors : [TrF]Shrapnel Email Address : clanshrapnel@hotmail.com Description : TeamFortress v2.65 Quake Map TeamFortress Homepage : http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress : http://www.teamfortress.com ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress v2.65 or higher QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress Single Player : No Cooperative : Yes (TEAMfortress) Deathmatch (2-32) : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : A few modified textures New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.45 Registered, EntEd Known Bugs : Slight cracks inbetween ramps. None other to thank other than Qoole and its buggy features. Build Time : 1 month Light : too longer Vis : even longer * PROGS * Put the .mdl files in your Team Fortress progs dir. backpack.mdl fortress/progs ------------------------------------------------------------- M A P D E T A I L S ------------------------------------------------------------- This map is a variation of the ever-so-popular 2fortX series. There were some problems I felt I addressed in this "version" of 2fort5. Sniper and soldier power has been reduced. A team can snipe outside on a ledge, but they will also have to keep in mind of the snipers on the half-bridges in the middle. Soldiers are given less power with the tighter hallways and rocket jumps that can be barely made. Scouts are given power as they can jump over the half-bridge gaps, as well as the water gap. At the same time, engineers are given more power, with many dark spots in the map, as well as a flag room that is just begging for a sentry somewhere. Offense is given more power, as this map is very cappable. There are now three routes to the flag room floor, and getting the flag out is all downhill. Grouping is heavily emphasized with the many spots in the map that lend to group meeting. The flag room also has a window that lends to grenade tossing, making defending in the flag room difficult. In a respect, defense is given some power since all offense will be coming in from below them. Heavy weapons guys are encouraged in areas such as the long pipe by the water. My main objectives in completing this map were as follows: 1) Strengthen offense so there are more caps. I primarily wanted to eliminate the temptation for a clan to go all defense. Doing so in this map will not help because of the multiple routes to the flag and base, as well as grouping areas. 2) Encourage a variety of classes instead of the typical soldier/sniper powerhouse teams. 3) Increase the size of the "2fortx" series so that larger games could be played. Philosophy behind this map: I know some of you may disagree with the layout of the map. I can maybe explain to you why it is setup the way it is. First off, the broken bridge outside is there to prevent the snipers from having total control over the front area. The broken bridge is a third route with little chance for the sniper to hit you (if you're careful). Yes, if you notice, scouts can hop over the broken bridge as well as the fault between the two maps. Sure, scouts have a lot of power in this map, but is your team willing to risk the frags? Don't forget the power that engineers have with all of the shadows and rock ledges... that should even things out. If you're able to figure out otherways across the broken bridge with other classes, just trust me, there are. The long tunnel leading to the water is long because I wanted to encourage a possible HWGUY defense at that position. The water well is there as a third way up to the flag room area. It is long and dark because it would otherwise be very easy to jump in there and end up at the top. I figured the enemy should have to lose some life if they use a slow class like a soldier (which I wanted to deter use of anyway). The hole at the flag room is there to not only tease the enemy, but to also make flag room defense difficult. Some may figure out that that is a key area to coordinate attacks with. If you toss grenades in while you're team is arriving, you can have an effective strong hold on their defense. The reason why the lift only works for the home team is I don't want to make it too easy for an enemy to pop up the lift and run to the flag. They have to grenade jump up or figure another way up (trust me, there are). Besides, just think of how easy it is to take the flag out that way (although you will have to rocket jump or carefully end up on the level ground in the ramp room). The reason why I made the "basement" at the top is I wanted to give the defense SOME help since the offense is already going to have a huge advantage. The ramps are hard to make with rocket jumps because I wanted to deter soldier use. Soldiers and snipers are over emphasized as is, so I thought this map would encourage other classes. The reason why the resupply nearest the broken bridge is so sparse with ammo is because it should be a respawn "similar to the grates of 2fort5." I wanted another resupply, and since that resupply is closer than the other two to the other base, I wanted to trim down the "goodies" in there. Credits: John Cook, the creator of the original 2fort4, for such a popular map, of which my map was based highly off of. Prefabs from BrushBoy, Jonah Bishop (spiral), Sagnor, Eric Wray, and Sonya Roberts. Textures also came from some or none of the following authors: ID Software's Quake add-ons(Rogue) Ikka K., Zerstorer, Axl Kawa, Shawn Shultz, David Ottvall, and who knows.. maybe even some from Sonya Roberts. I have no idea what textures came from what author, so please don't ask. [TrF]Optimus Prime, Fluke-IC-, Meathook[IC], Braveheart-IC-, [APr]DredPirate, [MP]F4t3, [APr]Seven, ]MP[ Kastor, Camille, SPeedy, and everyone else who helped test my map. Also [TrF]Shockwave, [TrF]Grimlock, [TrF]Devastator for the map building help. Greetings and Salutations : Clan TrF Clan IC and of course, clan DK, my first clan(don't think I've forgotten). For those of you wondering, Theho is one of my clan mates from clan DK. I always wondered if you pronounced it "the Ho" or "theo". Pronounce it as "the Ho". ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright This map is copyright F.C.O. enr. It may be freely distributed, as long as it is not modified in any way. The map cannot be distributed without the theho.txt which you are presently reading, save for server downloads. The author is open to suggestions and ideas, if you wish to use any part of this work, you must contact the author for permission. -----------------------------------------------------------------