3/14/98 ================================================================ Title : Chaotic Origin's Topless CrackWhore Filename : cw-co.zip Email Address : chaoticorigin@usa.net Description : Skin Hack Base Credits models : psteed@idsoftware.com pics : aniichel@hotmail.com extra : eavy@earthling.net ================================================================ You knew it was bound to happen to happen sooner or later. By opening this zip you will have taken part in the moral decay of society and just set back the feminist movement another 100 years. But, it was sure fun and it felt good. CrackWhore is a goddess! Paul Steed can do wonders when it comes to modeling but the CW skins looked a little rushed. I'm no expert myself but I did try to add more shading and accentuate the wonderful dimensions. This is my first hack at skins so it isn't much. I didn't know how to add more colors so I did my best with the 80-90 colors in the original pallete. If you decide to use on any of these files, please give me some credit. I really did try hard to make it look good and it would make me happy. The zip contains files for both deathmatch and CTF and it works best with GL mode with the blending of colors. Pretty simple to install. If you don't know how, you probably are not old enough to see nudity. Enjoy! ______________ Chaotic Origin ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ