================================= DECAY QUAKE2 SKIN 4/1/98 ----- ----------- ------ Artist: Sam "GateWay" OHare E-Mail: gateway@quake2.com HomePage: http://www.quake2.com/maelstrom/ Files: decay.pcx decay_i.pcx decay.txt Do This: Just unzip all these files to your quake2/baseq2/players/male directory. Then select the skin in multiplayer mode. Important: I took the time to do these skins so I would like it if you didn't touch them. That means no cut and paste, make your own skins, don't steal other peoples. Authors may not use these skins as a base for other skins. Disclamer: I am not to blame if you stuff this up, your actions are your own and I take no responsability. Other: This skin is of a decaying body, blood, guts, bones and stuff. Usage: My skins are for your "personal" usage, they are not clan skins. These skins may be distributed only via the internet from sites ect where people can download them. If you wish to distibute them in any other way my prior consent must be obtained. This text file must be included with my skins. ENJOY ©1998 GateWay ----- -------------