QUAKE2 SKIN GATEWAY 13/12/97 THE SECOND NEW PLAYER SKIN FOR QUAKE2 EVER MADE..... Author: Sam "GATEWAY" OHare E-Mail: gateway@mobsters.com Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/7543/index1.html Starting a new page soon (always looking for offers) Files: gateway.pcx (der) readme.txt (your reading it stupid) Instructions: At the time of writing this is the only way I know of for using the skin (let me know if there is another) 1. go to your quake2\baseq2\players\male directory 2. pick any of the skins there (eg: scout.pcx) 3. IMPORTANT: do not delete skin, move it to a safe place (eg: floppy or a directory where it is cool) 4. move the gateway.pcx skin to the directory from step 1 5. rename gateway.pcx to scout.pcx (the skin you moved) 6. all done, when you select a skin in quake2 pick the one you renamed gateway.pcx to and it should appear Important: I am not responsible if you stuff this up, your actions are your own and I take no responsability Other: I looked at all the skins that came with quake2 and decided some parts of them were really cool. What I did was to combine all the cool parts and added some touches of my own ENJOY