------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic GibZone - Quake2 CTF Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archive Name: bloctf1.zip Installation: extract the archive to your Quake2 directory and you're set. The Eraser route table was recorded by Sascha 'Siegel' Pfalz . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Name: bloctf1.bsp Author: Oliver Lange Copyright: This archive may be freely distributed as long as unmodified (except packing/encrypting, of course). If you install this map on a server, i'd like you to tell me. Happy fraggin'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: arena.. Description: well, a neat gib field. With 8 players well smuddy. :) Story: You have your orders, marines.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Single Player: not even to look around ! Deathmatch: well, if you want.. CTF: *BINGO* ! Best with 2-8 players. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Graphics: nothing special, really. Doom2 textures converted by Peter Lomax . Thanks Peter ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tools Used: Qoole 2.50 (still unregistered..) BSP 0.92 (mighty thing; used for brush merging) Wally 1.0 Text Editor.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compile Crate: P200 / 80 MB QBSP3 Time: 23 seconds QVIS3 Time: 33.5 hours (yep, mysterious 120,657 nerve-fragging seconds..) QRAD3 Time: 4.5 hours (-bounce 40 -extra) Build Time: 4 days -------------------------------------------------------------------------------