Clue: Turn on word wrap..... Map name:"Federal Building" 07/06/98 File name: federal3.bsp Creator: Tumorhead Website: Editor Used: BSP Revision Change: First version center courtyard was too large. Cut in half to reduce net lag. Second version still too big. Reduced open spaces and opened the 2nd floor A and B buildings to the flag area. Description: Quake 2 CTF map. Best used with the Weapons Factory mod available at the above website. Why? All the spawn points, ammo, health, armor and powerups and stuff are in one of four ammo rooms in each team's "office". With normal CTF, you will be respawning in each others ammo rooms, with the Weapons Factory mod you will spawn fully armed in your own fort AND the enemy can not open your ammo room doors. Makes sense to me. Overview: This is a cross between my earlier maps Postal2 and Zardoz. There is a large square courtyard (with a divider) surrounded by two wrap-around three story office buildings. It takes 30 seconds to run from one flag to another but you've got to traverse through the floors on either side of the office. One side of the office is marked "A", the other is marked "B". So if you see a sign that says "2A" you are on the second floor of side A. You'll get used to it. I used the same sort or markings in Postal2 for the floors. Remember that the Weapons Factory mod will not allow enemies from opening your ammo room doors. Directions: Unzip federal3.bsp into Quake2/CTF/maps directory Help wanted: I need help producing maps for the Weapons Factory. Go to the map page of the website above and look for instructions and examples of how to make a map for the Weapons Factory. WF is a Team Fortress style mod for Quake 2. Have fun at the office!!