19981026 Jizzlobber's CTF Courtyard General information: Filename: jizzctf2.zip Map type: Quake 2 CTF Included in this zip: jizzctf2.txt (this file), jizzctf2.bsp Editors used: Worldcraft 1.6a (Registered) Build time: 1 month Author: Jizzlobber Web Site: http://www.mstg.net/~garry/ Credits: Ben Morris for Worldcraft and Id software for Quake 2. This is the second CTF map that I have completed for Q2. I hope to make several more and include them in a map pack. I have a lot of great ideas for CTF levels. ;-) If you have a registered version of Worldcraft, check out some of the prefabs that I did for Q1 (way back when, hehe), they are included on the CD. Legal stuff: This map map be distributed for free on the internet. This map may NOT be included in any pak(s), Total Conversion(s), or Quake2 Modification(s) to be distributed on CD or otherwise sold/distributed for monetary gain, without prior permission from the author [me, duh]. If you wish to use it in some type of Conversion as listed above, to be distributed for free on the Internet, please feel free to do so, although I would appreciate an email so that I may gloat freely about the office. Happy Flagging!