============================================================================= McKie D's ============================================================================= Title : McKie D's Version : 1.4 Filename : mcd2m1.bsp Author : Forrest of Clan Madman - Forrest_{MAD} Email Address : forrest@mad-asylum.com Description : ctf Additional Credits to : Thanks to id for quake and and thanks to Ben Morris for his WorldCraft editor. Want to thank Brainer from clan Tull for helping me find a big bug, one in which you kinda dissapeared off the map. And Special thanks goes out to Zoid; first for making the ctf mod, and secondly for making the great map Mckinley's Station, aka ctf2m1, the map here which I remade for q2. I also wave to all the madmen. ============================================================================= * Gameplay Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Rocket Arena : No CTF : Yes LMCTF : Yes (but some textures might be off a bit) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Textures : No New Graphics (LMPs) : No New MDLs : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : No ============================================================================= * Game Construction * ctf map : After finishing the remake of 2m3, Spill the Blood, Ultra said, remake 2m1. At first, I thought, nah, 'cause it's too big and somewhat architectually complex (in relation to 2m3). But it seemed like a challenge. 2m1 can be quite mazy if you dont know it, and can also be intimidating for a mapper to tackle on. Well, I thought about it, and fired up WorlCraft, and putz around a bit with the red base. By the end of that evening, red base was done. I then took some time to see how Zoid layed out his map. In all honesty, this map was a huge improvement over his first ctf map, ctf1. Ctf2m1, Mckinley's Station, is probably the best map for ctf possible. It has 3 ways in and out of base, and all these routes meet up at some point in the map. It is both a mazy as well as a straightforward map. It was a real pleasure to remake it, and I learned a lot, especially about his special way in using symmetry: 3 tiered yet interconnected. I made a couple of modifications however, since the q2 engine and q1 engine differ. One modification was the doors to the water chutes. The only reason why they are there is due to the aeroportals. It's not the easiest to explain, but if I wanted aeroportals, which increase players fps', I had to include these doors to the waterchutes. In playtesting, they didn't play any role, so in that sense, they dont seem to affect gameplay (in relation to the q1 gameplay). I also made a few modifications to the '100 health rooms' in both bases. I found these '100 health' rooms somewhat awkward in the q1 map, so I just went ahead and made them both the same in this q2 version, and very plain rooms at that. After some playtesting, a lot of players didn't like the idea of invulnerability. So I replaced it with a power shield, and added a hyperblaster and some cells. The final and somewhat more noticeable architectural changes I made were the inclusion of the 'fleshy stuff' machine like things, which are near the ramps which hide the grenade launcher. These machines don't do anything, but they add to the map. I also removed a lot of the snary pieces which surrounded those areas, such as railways and supports. And that's about it for the changes. So I hope you all like it. My intention was simply to give q2ers the chance to play a great q1 map, since many q2ctfers never did play q1. It's the same map basically that Zoid made, and all the credit goes to him for being the architect of such a well balanced map. Editor(s) used : WorldCraft Known Bugs/Leaks : >:o - hope not Build Time : 2 weeks Machine Used for Compile : k6-2 300 with 64 megs ============================================================================= Other maps I have made: DM maps (q1) ----------- Ma's Mines Ctf maps (q1) -------- Double Standards: first ctf map (ugly but fun) Nameless Mines: in the LoC pak, (map is known as ctf3m4) LoC's page http://loc.gamesnet.net Hook Arena maps (q1): --------------------- Spill This Apache's Den Asylum's Courtyard SpaceMarine_{MAD}'s Gymnasium dbase Clan Arena Maps (q1) -------------------- cbase Melissa's Mansion Rocket Arena 2 Maps (q2) (all these maps are in the ra2 pak - map is known as ra2map17) ------------------------ Ra2's page http://www.planetquake.com/servers/arena/ cbase (q2) Mad mines Gymnasium Bloody Waste - ra2 Melissa's Fancy Ctf Maps (q2) ------------- Bloody Waste (you can read up about these maps and download most of them at our clan webpage - www.mad-asylum.com. Go to the Storage Area, then Mapping Corner) ============================================================================= * Copyright and Permission Information * This level may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this level on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. If you need or want my permission for reasons of distribution, e-mail me (forrest@mad-asylum.com or rcoulomb@total.net) Visit www.mad-asylum.com