================================================================ Title : The Reservoir Filename : rez1.bsp Author : [gc]dolomite (architecture), Sniper!Diva[KD] (ents), GunLoc[KD] (build) Email Address : ixtopot@mailexcite.com, diva@cgocable.net, gunloc@colosseum.com Description : The Reservoir Here's a little ctf mappie for you... it's our first quake2 map for ctf and not our last. Getting Started: If you do not have one of the folders called for here, make it! :) Put the rez1.bsp in your quake2/baseq2/maps folder Put all the *.wal files in your quake2/baseq2/textures folder Either start your server or join a ctf server as you would normally. Shouts to: Clan Gibcheck: http://artema.home.mindspring.com/gc Clan KinDread: http://www.idigital.net/kindread idsoftware zoid for showing me the way... and for helping a little on this lev! :) Textures: implemented by [gc]dolomite The thunderwalker logo is the red base symbol: http://www.thunderwalker.net The blue base is the blue symbol from zoid's ctf all other textures are from idsoftware's quake2 ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes and CTF (flags called) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : No QuakeC Patches : No * Construction * Base : sort of a mix of Gadianton and The Kiln, but an adaptation... Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife, Version 4.07 Known Bugs : none Build Time : Comments : Thanks to idsoftware and zoid for all his help with this level