Turn on Word Wrap [to do so go to "Edit -> Word Wrap"] ======================================================================= 4/13/99 ======================================================================= Title : Towers Of Sybex 2 Filename : Towers2.bsp (Towers2.rtz = Eraser route file) archive : Towers2.zip Author : Frank "Ja'//z-X" Villasenor Email Address : Jawz-X_o1@juno.com WWW Homepage: : http://www.I.Don't.Have.One.Com Date : 4/13/99 Towers2.bsp Description : A Quake II CTF map. Its your standard CTF map you know with flags, guns, ammo, etc. Towers2.rtz Description : The Eraser route file is a VERY good route file. I spent a lot of time making it. The bots hardly get stuck on walls and the flag paths are perfect (or at lease Close to it). So theres no need to make one for your self or look for one on the web. (But if you want go ahead...) ======================================================================= * Additional Credits * ======================================================================= Matthew Ayres & Paul Hsu : for QOOLE, my editor, The best Editor! id Software : without whom I would never have made a map. Geoffrey DeWan : For his versions of Qbsp3, qvis3, and Qrad3. Ridah (Ryan Feltrin) : for the amazing Eraser Bot, which is how I test these maps out. Eveyone at Sloshy Software Inc. : for Quick Start - "Eraser Bot Wizard" Which makes it easy for me to load and run my map with Eraser Bots. David Hyde & Tony Ferrara : for Mapspy, The fastest way to check for errors and fix them with out making me loony. Gibbo : for LeakHunter, The easiest way to find and fix Leaks Everyone at Rust : for the great tutorial, Also to everyone who submitted one. ======================================================================= * Play Information * ======================================================================= Game : Quake II Capture The Flag Level Name : Towers Of Sybex 2 File name : Towers2.bsp (Towers2.rtz = Eraser route file) Single Player : Nope Cooperative : Nope Deathmatch : Could Capture The Flag : Bingo, Thats what its made for. Difficulty Settings : N/A New graphics : None Anything else new: : Nope ======================================================================= * Construction * ======================================================================= Build Time : About 2-3 weeks Editors used : Qoole v2.50 Compilation: Qbsp3 build time: under 2 minute Qvis3 (full) build time: about 5 minutes Qrad3 build time: about 15 minutes Brushes: 518 Platform used : Win 95 on a P-200 32MB of RAM Known Bugs : None ======================================================================= * Loading information * ======================================================================= To load this Q2 map: Unzip the Towers2.bsp in the archive to c:\quake2\baseq2\maps\ Start Quake 2/CTF normally. When the game starts, hit the tilde (~) key to bring down the console and type: "map Towers2" If you have the ERASER BOT, I've included my routes for this map. It's easier to test with BOTs, but I'd like to hear of human/human interactions as well. The routes file is Towers2.rtz. Unzip this to ERASER's ROUTES directory to use it. For whatever, just email me at: Jawz-X_o1@juno.com ======================================================================= * Copyright/ Trademarks / Permissions * ======================================================================= © 1999, Ja'//z-X(tm) Software The author's written permission is required for commercial use. Ja'//z-X is a trademark of Ja'//z-X(tm) software. You MAY distribute this BSP over or on any electronic media, provided that you include all distributed files intact and unmodified, and you don't charge the recipient anything beyond the actual cost of the media and shipping. The use of this BSP and all associated files are entirely at your own discretion and risk. I assume no liabilty for any direct or consequential losses you might incur as a consequence of using these files. I don't even guarantee that they'll run on your machine, but I'm willing to help if you have a problem.