================================================================ Title : Xanthe CTF Date : 01/11/99 Filename : xctf.bsp Author : Tiarnan Breffni Email Address : tiarnan@tbreffni.freeserve.co.uk Description : A huge CTF map, ideal for clans who wish to practice attack and defence strategies. Symmetrical layout and cool architecture combine to make this level a must have. Additional Credits to : The creator of QERadiant, Robert A Duffy, Ridah for the Eraser bot, Myrkul for helpful tips, and of course the mighty Id Software, for Quake 2. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Look around only. Capture the Flag : Yes. Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : QERadiant v135 Known Bugs : None. Build Time : Too long. Textures used : Various. Compile machine : PII with 128MB QBSP Time : 61 sec QVIS Time : 1008 sec QRAD Time (-extra) : 825 sec Brushes : 3583 Entities : 960 * Other Info * As I have said above, this is a huge CTF map, and I recommend taking a good look around before taking to battle. Alas, bots do not function well on this level, as there is quite a lot of grappling required, therefore this level is only really suitable for clan play. Good teams should love this map, as it supports dozens of different attack routes, defensive positions, etc. If any of you get around to running this level on a server, let me know! If you find any bugs in either the architecture or item placement, please let me know and I'll do my best to help you out. If you like this level, then check out DeathMatch BattleGround 1-4, all of which are available at cdrom.com. Have Fun! * Copyright / Permissions * You may download and play this level, give it for free to your friends and just enjoy it. If you want to do anything else with it, like make money from it, your going to have to ask me first. :)