================================================================ Title : MPQ1 - Fear in your Eyes Date : 97/12/20 Filename : mpq1.bsp Author : Taskmaster (Warren Marshall) Email Address : tmaster@accessone.com Home Page : www.brutality.com/mpq (DM level reviews!) Other maps by author : Eye Socket (eyesock.zip) Retinal Tear (rettear.zip) The Warehouse (warehaus.zip) Description : A new Quake2 DM level. I made this from scratch so don't be thinking this is ANOTHER conversion of a Quake1 map. This was made for 2-4 players at the most. I really wanted to get this done since id didn't give us any DM maps with Quake2. Enjoy! This is also my attempt at using INTELLIGENT colored lighting. I think you'll find that each colored light in this map has a purpose and is colored for a reason - a light texture, daylight shining in a window, whatever... BTW, I love feedback. Glowing reviews and constructive criticism are always welcome! Flames help nobody - if you think this level totally sucks, please explain why. Additional Credits to : ID - face Texas and bow! Ben Morris - this is my first publicly released map using Worldcraft and I do have to say that 1.5b is finally something I can use! All previous maps were done in my editor, ToeTag. But I can't go back now! ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No. Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : Yes (2-4 players). Difficulty Settings : No. New Sounds : No New Graphics : No. New Music : No Demos Replaced : No. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5b (registered) Known Bugs : None. Build Time : A week or so. * Copyright / Permissions * All the architecture in this level is made by me, so I have the rights to do anything I want with it. CD-ROM publishers and other commercial people need my permission before they can distribute this level. Also I wouldn't mind getting $1000 or so. :p Actura Software MAY NOT do anything with these files. Public distribution via Internet/BBS's without charging money is accepted, of course.