================================================================ Title : The Sedge (say: the "S" edge) Date : 9/14/1998 Filename : sedm3.bsp (size: 1182 kB) Download Filename : sedm3.zip (size: 425 kB) Author : Stephan D. "Coroner" Ewert Email Address : se@medi.physik.uni-oldenburg.de Home Page : Description : Originally this map was planed to hold a tribune for the winner of our first BOW-LAN-contest. Its style is similar to the famous q2dm1 deathmatch map, which founds as an arena for the contest. In the present version of sedm3.bsp the tribune is removed and the level became a pure deathmatch battle ground. It's my very first ID-style map and I hope no one is able to notice any differences. Additional Credits to : ID software (simply the best), Tim Wright (Arghrad), Geoffrey DeWan (gddqbsp3, gddqvis3) and the beta-testers: Tier, K-Don, Tweety, Eder, Durin ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Look around only. Deathmatch : Yes, preferably 4-8 players. Difficulty Settings : None * Construction * Base : New level Editor(s) used : QRadiant Known Bugs : None Build Time : much too long Textures used : e2u3 sets from Quake2 pak0.pak and pak1.pak Compile machine : i233MMX with 64megs QBSP Time : 40 sec QVIS Time (level 4) : about 6500 sec (think so) QRAD Time (extra) : about 10000 sec * Other Info * Four suns used to get smooth sunlight * Copyright / Permissions * There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for anything! Public distribution via Internet without charging money is accepted, of course.