June 7, 1998 ================================================================ Title : Unknown Domain Filename : trdm04.bsp Author : Daniel "Trebz" Nolan Email Address : trebz@vortexq.com Homepage: http://sepulchre.vortexq.com/ Visit the Twisted Matrix site at http://farcron.telefragged.com its a TC that I'm working on. Description : Fast and furious Deathmatch level. Although a tad slow for 1on1. Additional thanks to : id Software, for Quake, and Quake 2 Yahn W. Bernier, for BSP Deadmeat for his excellent tutorials that got me started. The guys at Twisted Matrix for their talents and encouragement. The guys of Efnet #level_design for entertaining me. Also thanks to Bod, R3X, and Dreamweaver, for helping me test the level out, they did a thorough job. ================================================================ Authors Comments : This is a fun level and if you learn it well you can pick up some excellent techniques to pick off your enemies with. The area of platforms above the adrenaline is great for sneaky manouevres on your foe. Hopefully in this level I placed the BFG in a good position and it shouldnt cause too many problems. This level is best played with a mod that contains the grapple hook it makes the gameplay excellent. ---------------Play Information---------- Level Name : Unknown Domain Quake2 DM 2-4 players : Yep Quake2 DM 5-16 players : Okay, but dont push it.. ---------------Construction--------------- Base : Nuthin Build Time : About 40 hours work ------------------------------------------ Editor(s) used : BSP v0.93b. Known Bugs : The r_speeds go upto 800 in places, I found it couldnt get rid of these without sacrificing some of more fun areas... ---------------Legal Stuff---------------- You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation, or sell it in ANY way, shape or form. Contact me to arrange something to the contrary. ----INSTALLATION---- Copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of baseq2 called maps, (ie c:\quake2\baseq2\maps) Then run quake2. Go into the console by pressing the key left of the 1 key (~), and type in "map trdm04". -------------------- Please email me with any suggestions for playability or any other comments.