RQProxy allows you to proxy Quake II games across a TCP link. Useful when you want to redirect servers (so a connection to a server on machine N actually connects you to a server on machine M) or bypass firewall restrictions. You need a UNIX box inside the firewall, and one outside, but you don't need root on either of them. This should run on most sane Unices (and is tested under Linux). I've tested it with my own server and one public server (which shall remain nameless lest lots of people start trying to test using it). Version: 1.0 Released: c. 3am 21.10.98 Home page: http://epona.ucam.org/rrw/qproxy.html Author: Richard Watts Maintainer: Richard Watts Copyright: Artistic Licence or LGPL, at your option (basically: don't claim you wrote it and don't screw it up yourself and then claim I did). Thanks to: ID, naturally, Jonathan Pfautz, Bret Saunders, and the rest of the Rainbow Group. [ erm, I hope this is OK for a text file description - I'm afraid I couldn't find your policy statement ... ]