.DEMolition What it does: This program is designed for people interested in making quake .dem movies. It simply deletes parts out of .dem file. If you don't know what .dem files are, then why the hell did you download this?? Instructions: Load it up, enter the .dem filename. You are now in the 'main menu'. If you enter a positive number (try 0 or 1), it will display all the information of what happens in that frame. (Frame 0, for example, precaches all the file, etc.) This is useless as I did not include the individual message editing. To splice, enter "-3" (without quotations, dumbass). You must now enter the frame where you wish to start deleting. There are certain frames which you CANNOT delete, such as frame 0 and the last frame. There are more, but I will not go into detail, just cause I'm too lazy. Each frame (on average) represents 0.1 seconds, so to delete 20 seconds from the demo, starting at second 15, you would enter 150, then 350. Why? Because: (since x =< (15*10)[(150)/55.2*()*r/(66.6)(volume of neptune][(150/0.0005 + (150 + 20*10)]) But I'm sure that doesn't need explanation. The other thing you could do, is press "-1", which will list the times matched up with the frames. Confusing? TOO BAD! When you are finished deleting all the frames you want gone, from the main menu press -2. Enter the cd song # you want played (-1 means no cd music), touch your nose twice, beat your w00d (if you are a female, you have to give up at this point, unless you have w00d, in which chase - SEND ME A JPG!). If you are wondering what the 'camera angle' stuff is, try it out. 0 will make it normal, anything above 0 will do cool (but not useful) stuff to your demo file. About: This is an ugly beta of a .dem splicer I started working on. I haven't tested it much, although it seems to work as long as you don't delete the wrong things. I did not plan to release this for a couple of months, but I am now working on a fully featured demo EDITOR, which will have an interface similar to WorldCraft, and I thought I might as well release this, as it is a LOT faster and easier to use than Uwe's .dem decompiler. I already wrote the code for individual message editing, but did not include it in this version as it was barely tested. Please do not email me about bugs, as I will not be working on it anymore. If anyone is interested in the source code, email me. Need ideas: If you have any ideas for a cool quake demo editor (such as earthquake effects, slow-motion, fading, replays) PLEASE email them to pharcyde@direct.ca and your name will be mentioned on the credits :) Credits: me!, ID software blah blah blah, and railed for helping out with some stuff, and Satan for being a life-long inspiration, llamas, goats, w00d, cyber b00bs (* )( *), butts (__|__), all my friends on irc for making me into this weirdo, and deathwynd for coming up with the cool name (.DEMolition) btw.. ;) (I'm not really a satan-worshiping-w00d-loving-pr0n-pervert-who-wants-to-see-a-jpg-of-a-girl-with-w00d-type-of-guy) Tom Vykruta (pharcyde@direct.ca)