//Mojo's Keypad Ref Config v1.1 //Contact: mojo@planetice.net //ICQ# 39745109 //Author: Jason "Mojo" Lindberg // // // play items/damage.wav echo ": Mojo's Ref Config Loaded :" echo ": Type COMMANDS for a list of commands and their bindings :" echo ": Type REFCOMMANDS for a list of ALL Ref Commands :" //Identify players in the MIDFIELD bind kp_plus "say_team : IDENTIFYING PLAYERS IN THE MIDFIELD : : %n :;wfteamplay guts.wav" //Pick Map bind kp_minus "ref_pickmap" //Timeout Toggle bind kp_home +refstop alias +refstop "ref_stop" alias -refstop "bind kp_home +refstart" alias +refstart "ref_start" alias -refstart "bind kp_home +refstop" //Flood Control bind kp_uparrow "+floodoff" alias +floodoff "ref_floodcontrol off;play world/lite_out.wav" alias -floodoff "bind kp_uparrow +floodon" alias +floodon "ref_floodcontrol on;play world/lite_on3.wav" alias -floodon "bind kp_uparrow +floodoff" //Match Time bind kp_pgup "+20" alias +20 "ref_matchtime 20;play weapons/railgr1a.wav" alias -20 "bind kp_pgup +25" alias +25 "ref_matchtime 25;play weapons/railgr1a.wav" alias -25 "bind kp_pgup +30" alias +30 "ref_matchtime 30;play weapons/railgr1a.wav" alias -30 "bind kp_pgup +20" //Countdown bind kp_ins +cd20 alias +cd20 "ref_startcount 20" alias -cd20 "bind kp_ins +cd30" alias +cd30 "ref_startcount 30" alias -cd30 "bind kp_ins +cd60" alias +cd60 "ref_startcount 60" alias -cd60 "bind kp_ins +cd120" alias +cd120 "ref_startcount 120" alias -cd120 "bind kp_ins +cd240" alias +cd240 "ref_startcount 240" alias -cd240 "bind kp_ins +cd20" alias commands "echoc1;echoc2;echoc3;echoc4;echoc5;echoc6;play world/explod1.wav" alias echoc1 "echo -- KP_PLUS ----- SCAN PLAYERS IN THE MIDFIELD" alias echoc2 "echo -- KP_HOME ----- TOGGLE TIME OUT" alias echoc3 "echo -- KP_UPARROW -- TOGGLE FLOOD CONTROL ON/OFF" alias echoc4 "echo -- KP_MINUS ---- REF CHOOSE MAP" alias echoc5 "echo -- KP_PGUP ----- CHANGE MATCH TIME" alias echoc6 "echo -- KP_INS ------ MATCH COUNTDOWN (VARIABLE TIMES)" alias part1 "ref1;ref2;ref3;ref4;ref5;ref6;ref7;ref8;ref9;ref10" alias part2 "ref11;ref12;ref13;ref14;ref15;ref16;ref17;ref18;play world/explod1.wav" alias refcommands "part1;wait;wait;part2" alias ref1 "echo ref_password [password] -------------------- use to become the ref." alias ref2 "echo ref_leave ---------------------------------- leave ref mode" alias ref3 "echo ref_kick [name] or [id] -------------------- kick player" alias ref4 "echo ref_nextmap -------------------------------- go to next map in vote list" alias ref5 "echo ref_pickmap -------------------------------- used to go to any map in the vote list" alias ref6 "echo ref_stop ----------------------------------- stop the game (time out)" alias ref7 "echo ref_start ---------------------------------- begin play again" alias ref8 "echo ref_forcekill [name] [id] or [all] --------- respawn player in their ammo rooms" alias ref9 "echo ref_observer [name] [id] or [all] ---------- puts player in observer mode" alias ref10 "echo ref_notalk [name] [id] --------------------- mutes player" alias ref11 "echo ref_talk [name] [id] ----------------------- allows player to speak again" alias ref12 "echo ref_matchtime [minutes] -------------------- sets match time" alias ref13 "echo ref_startcount [seconds] ------------------- start a countdown to the start of the match" alias ref14 "echo ref_floodcontrol on/off -------------------- turns flood control on/off" alias ref15 "echo ref_clearscore ----------------------------- clears all points and caps" alias ref16 "echo ref_classlimit [class] or [all] {limit} ---- Limit is any positive integer up to 99" alias ref17 "echo ref_skin on/off ---------------------------- hides or shows ref skin" alias ref18 "echo ref_play *.wav ----------------------------- play a sound to both teams"