// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Quake 2 Configuration Script // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // File: OSP-L2 Weapons DM // File Location:autoexec.cfg // // Created: 1998-02-01 // Last Modified: 1998-10-08 // Based On: Lithum 2 v2.16 // // Author: JakFrost // Email: jakfrost@planetquake.com // Web Site: http://www.planetquake.com/console/ // // Copyright 1998 JakFrost, All Rights Reserved // // See the documentation for all legal information. // ====================================================================== // Initialization // ====================================================================== // Master Configuration exec master.cfg // Script Message echo echo ------- Configuration Script ------- echo Name: OSP-L2 Weapons DM echo ------------------------------------ echo // ====================================================================== // Binding // ====================================================================== // ====================================================================== // Aliases // ====================================================================== alias b2a "bind 1 b1b;bind shift b2b;bind 3 b3c;bind 4 b4b;set fov 108;set fov 120" alias b2b "bind 1 b1b;bind shift b2a;bind 3 b3c;bind 4 b4b;set fov 120;set fov 108" bind shift "b2b" alias b6a "bind 5 b5b;bind g b6b;bind 7 b7c;bind 8 b8b;use railgun;use chaingun" alias b6b "bind 5 b5b;bind g b6a;bind 7 b7c;bind 8 b8b;use chaingun;use railgun;" bind g "b6b" alias e6d "bind 5 e5e;bind r e6e;bind 7 e7f;bind 8 e8e;use rocket launcher;use chaingun" alias e6e "bind 5 e5e;bind r e6e;bind 7 e7f;bind 8 e8e;use chaingun;use rocket launcher" bind r "e6e" // ====================================================================== // Settings // ====================================================================== set m_filter 1 set cl_footsteps 0 set cl_predict 1 set cl_maxfps 45 set cl_gun "0" set cl_particles "1" set gl_dynamic "0" set gl_shadows "0" set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1" set gl_ztrick "1" set gl_flashblend "1" set gl_polyblend "0" set in_joystick "0" set gl_cull "1" set gl_round_down "1" set gl_skymip "1" set s_mixahead ".14" set s_primary "0" set s_khz "11" set s_loadas8bit "1" set cd_nocd "1" set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" set intensity "2.0" set gl_modulate "2.5" set gl_playermip "0.0" set gl_picmip "0.0" set rate "5000" // ====================================================================== // Quick Keys // Option Keys // Mouse Buttons // ********************************************************************** // End Of File // **********************************************************************