=================================================================== The GravityGun version 1.0 By Zarniwoop (Jess Crable) =================================================================== Description: The GravityGun is a modified ASMD. The primary fire remains the same as usual, but the alternate fire launches a tazerball that will envelope the target and launch them into the air- leaving them dangling there (or ramming them into the ceiling) and eventually dropping them to the ground. One setting can be configured from within UnrealED to modify the gun's behavior. You can adjust the "ComboType" variable in the GravityGun default properties; it's a setting to configure how often the normal ASMD "combo attack" can be used with the GravityGun. Settings: 0 = Combo attack never occurs 1 = ( DEFAULT )Combo attack occurs sometimes 2 = Combo attack always occurs -- The combo attack occurs when a player is enveloped by the tazerball projectile and you fire the GravityGun's primary fire and hit them. Submit any bug reports or problems to zarniwoop@planetunreal.com Go to http://www.planetunreal.com/oddities for more small, unique Unreal modifications! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Files: The source files are included, in text format. GravityGun.u ------> Put this in your unreal\system directory Usage (Important!): Type "summon GravityGun.GravityGun" in order for one to appear! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Legal: The GravityGun modification and classes contained within this modifcation are Copyright (c) 1998, Jess Crable (Zarniwoop). You can use the GravityGun in your own levels or modifications, and don't need permission from the author. You MUST give credit to the author, though, if you do use this modification. Also, do not modify this modification without permission from the author first. Finally, do not include the GravityGun modification on any CD-ROM without the author's permission. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ..Zarniwoop http://www.planetunreal.com/oddities zarniwoop@planetunreal.com