The NineBall Gun by Zarniwoop (Jess Crable): =================================================================== New: -- You can now type "summon Oddities.NineBallReplacer" to automatically replace any EightBalls in the level with NineBalls. -- Moved the NineBall into the Oddities package. Version 2.0: -- New default property: "MaxLoadedRockets". Now you can configure the maximum number of rockets/grenades that can be considered a full load. You can't go higher than 35 or lower than 1. Of course 35 is a bit insane. -- The default number of maximum rockets/grenades loaded is now 3 instead of 6. This is easily configured, though. -- Grenade loading/releasing now works the same as the rockets. -- The script ensures that a somewhat reasonable value for MaxLoadedRockets is entered, or it will default to 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I've always found the EightBall gun a little difficult to use when you're firing multiple rockets. The fact that the gun automatically launches your rockets after 6 are loaded can be confusing and makes things very difficult to aim. This small modification is an exact duplicate of the EightBall- except in the way that it handles a full load of rockets. When six are loaded, the gun will wait until you *release* the fire button before the rockets are launched. This makes things much easier. The original EightBall gun autoreleases because of balance issues- letting someone carry around 6 rockets that he or she can launch at will is too powerful. You can change the maximum loaded rockets in UnrealED- load up the Oddities package, find the Nineball, and select "default properties". Look for WeaponSpecs- adjust there. This is the final release of the NineBall as long as there are no problems. Summon this in a game by typing "summon Oddities.NineBall". You can now automatically replace all the EightBalls in a level with NineBalls by typing "summon Oddities.NineBallReplacer". ------------------------------------------------------------------- Files: Oddities.u -> Put this in your Unreal/system directory. =================================================================== All final releases of small Oddities modifications will be placed in the "Oddities" package to help keep things more organized. Go to for more small, unique Unreal modifications! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Do whatever you want with this, just give me credit please. ..Zarniwoop