UT Watcher version history _____ 128 - changed TDM to TEAM and added LMS to the "game mode" selection of the Add Stats dialog - added a new option "import from UT config", this imports your favorites from UT (suggested by: Mark "Worm" Mandell) - you can now sort the columns in the ngWorldStats tables - improved the loading time - it's now also possible to search on names for the ngWorldStats feature. You can also right-click the player info and search directly for the ngWorldStats of the player, and this also works for the servers. - it's now also possible to cancel the search when adding new ngWorldStats servers/ players - homepage and help completely up-to-date _____ 127 - fixed a very important bug, which caused a zillion errors. (only occured in 126) _____ 126 - fixed the bug in the find LAN games option. The subnet mask was not calculated correctly, which had as result that in large networks not all games were being displayed. - improved the initial server info retreival at the start of the program. When you have a lot of servers in your list it could happen that not all server data is processed, this is fixed now. - reduced flicker in the server list - when you add new server the server name will be used as description instead of the host:port combination - adding a buddy from the player list is now improved, it works always now. - you can now keep a database of ngWorldStats ranking of servers and player. For you now can only add players and servers with their ngID. _____ 125 - I have now implemented a buddy system. Whenever a friend joins the server you are monitoring you will be notified. - improved the check for the latest version available (also fixed the socket error) - Added a ping options, this ping of the server from your computer will now be displayed in the title bar of the window. (suggestion by: {bfd}Boondoggler) - when you entered a host name instead of an IP the server information would not be updated. This bug is fixed now. - NOTE: the help file is not up to date yet _____ 124 - not much has changed in the program since 123, but I've updated the help file and homepage because UT Watcher is now hosted by Planet Unreal (www.planetunreal.com/utwatcher) _____ 123 - fixed the bug when you deleted an item that was not at the end of the list and then adding another item, that the first item was not updates or saved to the config file - changed the add server option. You now only have to give the server address and then the program will search for available servers on that computer. It works just like the find LAN option but instead of polling thw whole network it only polls a single computer - updated help design _____ 122 - fixed the incorrect `frag limit` and `tournament` server details values (pointed out by: Eric Sütter) - on every start the program checks if there is a new version out - added some keyboard short cuts - added a option to list all local servers (LAN servers) servers -> Find LAN Servers or Ctrl+F - updated both the offline as online help _____ 121 - spectators are now left out of the graph (suggestion by: Jeff Loiola) - the font of the legenda next to the graph is now smaller (suggestion by: Jeff Loiola) - and the legenda kan be resized - you can change the font size of the legenda - team score was not display sometimes when it was available, fixed this now - help file is now available _____ 120 - first public release (does not contain help files, wait for next version)