Normal items: set "invisible_time" to set delay between respawns (default usually the item's point cost) set "invisible_finished" to set # items available (i.e. 3 = 2 respawns) (0 = permanent) item name default respawns item_frag 0 item_krak 0 item_plasma 0 item_vortex 0 Recommend setting a respawn limit if placed in base item_field 0 " (you can set "field" to "1" - "4" for strength, default 1) item_jumppack 5 set "target" to "team1", "team2", etc. for proper skin item_scanner 10 weapon_boltgun 0 weapon_plasma_pistol 10 weapon_plasma_gun 10 weapon_hand_flamer 5 weapon_flamer 5 weapon_meltagun 5 weapon_needle_sniper 5 weapon_heavy_bolter 3 weapon_lascannon 3 weapon_heavy_plasma 3 weapon_missile_launcher 3 weapon_heavy_flamer 1 weapon_assault_cannon 1 weapon_chainsword 0 weapon_power_axe 0 weapon_power_sword 0 weapon_power_fist 0 weapon_lightning_claws 0 weapon_thunder_hammer 0 weapon_chainfist 0 Special items: ** REQUIRED ** worldspawn set "style" to "1" (or add 1 to the current spawnflags) item_banner (the carryable kind - each team must have one of these) set "map" to "team1" or "team2" (or "team3", etc.) set "spawnflags" "1" to make it unstealable by the other team (e.g. battle maps) info_player_team (team spawn points, use info_player_deathmatch in foyer) set "map" to "team1", etc. trigger_teleport set "map" to "team1", etc. to make it a team chooser OR set "noise4" to "team1", etc. to make it team-only OR set "spawnflags" to "4" to make terminator-only (doesn't cause 50% cost increase yet) ** OPTIONAL ** item_icon (decorations, i.e. flags) set "mdl" to "progs/flag.mdl", or future icon models set "map" to "team1" or "team2" etc. for proper skin func_door, func_button, trigger_push, trigger_hurt, trigger_multiple (or _single, I suppose, but why?) set "map" to "team1", etc. to make team-only set "noise" to "misc/mynoise.wav", or any other custom file (do not set "sounds") set "frags" to assign a point value to the trigger, reducing all army's points by the value specified except the one who triggered it set "noise4" to the message to be given upon achievement, i.e. : " pushed the button worth " info_location set "targetname" to the description e.g. "Bunker" or "Armory" set "map" to "team1", etc. to insert a team name in the description item_terminator_armor set "map" to "team1", etc., for proper skin item_generic set "mdl" to the model, e.g. "progs/t_storm.mdl" for a player model the model doesn't have to be in normal Q40K - it will be precached set "skin" if necessary ("0"-"3" for team-based things, like player models) set "frame" if necessary (e.g. "67" for a dead terminator) monster_spawner - use standard quake monster names for now set "use" to a monster classname (i.e. "monster_demon1") set "map" to make it a member of that team (will only engage enemies) set "angles" to start them facing the right way set "invisible_time" to set delay between spawnings, in seconds (default 10) set "max_health" to set maximum monsters on map created by that spawner (default 5) set "spawnflags" "1" to enable spawner in battlefield mode (even with both teams in) set "perm" "4" to make spawned monsters omnicient (able to see enemies through walls/ from behind) (monsters) - use standard quake monster names for now set "map" to make it a member of a team (will only engage enemies) set "perm" "4" to make omnicient (sees enemies through walls/from behind) objective_hold set "delay" to number of seconds required by one player to get bonus set "frags" for bonus amount (reduces other teams' points by this value) set "distance" for range allowed from origin to count set "netname" to the name of the objective, i.e. "The Bunker" === NEW === misc_turret "noise" for tracking noise (default "plats/plat1.wav") "noise1" for halt noise (default "plats/plat3.wav") "distance" for maximum tracking/firing range (default 500) "ballistic_skill" for accuracy (default 10 - rarely misses) "speed" for tracking speed (default 50 - somewhat slow) "inventory" for weapon type : "4096" - Plasma Gun (default) "1024" - Boltgun "64" - Heavy Bolter "128" - Heavy Plasma "256" - Missile Launcher "512" - Lascannon "angles" "X Y 0" X - 0 for floor mount, 180 for ceiling mount (default 0) Y - 'home' facing (default 0) Tabletop mode: Read the tabletop mode readme file for a description of the different areas of the map. ** REQUIRED ** worldspawn set "style" to "5" item_banner as normal - can be anywhere, does not provide +1 W bonus and is not grabable info_player_team as normal - must be on transport ship trigger_teleport team choosers as normal PLUS: Any teleporter with a DESTINATION in the base, set "cnt" to "1" Any teleporter with a DESTINATION in the ship, set "cnt" to "2" Any teleporter with a DESTINATION in the battlefield, "cnt" "3" Put team chooser destinations in the transport ship (and set "cnt" to "2") info_deploy Defines the center of the deploy zone. Easiest to place in the center of a table edge. "map" to set team "size" to the dimensions of the deploy zone, in inches e.g. "22 12 0" for 22" by 12" (the third value, 0, must be present) info_character Defines a "slot" for the purchase of a character. At least one required for Captain. "map" to set team "angles" to set facing, in degrees info_squad Defines 5 or 10 slots for purchasing squads. The origin defines the frontmost location, be sure there is sufficient room for additional units behind it. "map" for team "angles" for facing ** OPTIONAL ** objectives: "distance" range allowed from center to be considered in objective, in QU "netname" name of objective objective_hold Take and Hold objective. One per map, should be near center. objective_bunker - UNDER CONSTRUCTION Bunker objective. Multiple allowed. objective_highground - UNDER CONSTRUCTION High Ground objective. Should be, well, on high ground. 3 per map (if any). starfield - a special effect designed to emulate a moving starfield, such as outside a ship's window. Can cause significant latency - DO NOT USE ON BATTLEFIELD. "strength" to set density, default "10" "speed" to set maximum speed, default "250" "distance" to set distance travelled by stars, default "250" "size" to set area of creation, default "32 32 0" "angles" to set facing, default "0"