============================================================================= Title : Multi_z Filename : forest02.map Author : Crista S. Forest Email Address : csforest@deltanet.com Misc. Author Info : Description : One of my friends' favorite DukeMatch maps. This is a 2-story Duke Match map. You can Duke it out inside or go out and up onto the roof of the building. There are plenty of open areas as well as ammo-filled hiding places for ambushing your opponants. (Look for changes in wall tile colors for hiding places) Teleporters at either end of the building aid in quick transporting to escape or catch up with your opponant. There's also an underwater city for a change in mood. Additional Credits to : ============================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player :No DukeMatch :Yes Cooperative :No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New Level from scratch Editor(s) used : Duke Build Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * * Where to find this level (if there are updates)* Updates to this level are not likely as it is pretty much complete. Can Email me to ask about future maps but will likely add them to this site when they are done