Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0 ================================================================ Title : FRK Filename : FRK.MAP Author : Thomas Wortig Email Address : j.drebenstedt@csm.de Description : Neither Fish nor Flesh. Attempt to create a good Dukematch-Level, but got carried away in adding more and more features, so it looks like a Single-player-game without monsters. I still hope it can serve as a playable DM-Level, though not tested as such yet. And, of course, I didn't manage to keep it small, so it became larger than the largest level in Duke3d. (Its size gave the level its name. The original title was Arena. What FRK means? Play it - you'll find out) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Level Single Player : Possible, but wasn't intended to (Keycards implemented, but only few monsters) DukeMatch Level : Yes. For special thrills I recommand adding "monsters" at the selection screen. Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch (And my first serious Duke-Level) Editor(s) used : Build (I hate it!) Known Bugs : Mirrors don't work properly from certain angles and points of view.