================================================================== Title : GALLOWS STATION Filename : GALLOWS.MAP Author : PRACTO Email Address : BURTH@MINDSPRING.COM Misc. Author Info : http://www.mindspring.com/~burth/burth.htm Description : Really nasty map for Adults only. Has some added adult nature graphics. This was originally a DOOM2 wad for deathmatch, converted. I liked this one so much, I had to have it Duke Style! Geeereat deathmatching possible, no single. Pictures were added for a learning curve and entertainment only. I hold no responsibility for the contents of this game map. Signed. Additional Credits to : 3Drealms for DUKE. Kilowatt who is always there when I am trying to do something that build won't let you do :) Adolf and Jonny (who I don't know who are, but helped with graphics and how to use them. Look for more of this type of map from me. Also, look for the name Practo, this is my screen name and also my main map names.E-mail : burth@mindspring.com with any questions and ideas. ================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level : Gallows.MAP Single Player : Not yet Dukematch Level : Does a Bear shit in the woods??! Difficulty Settings : Nope. * Construction * Base : Gallows.wad (DOOM2 add-on) Editor(s) used : BUILD editor Known Bugs : None known Files Included : Gallows.map gallows.txt (sorry, no rts or mid's this time. :(] and, tiles015.art which must be in your Duke3D directory in order to see the new graphics. * Where to get this .MAP file * Posted on various newsgroups for now, alt.games.duke3d.binaries, etc. Also by email...just send and ask me.. * COMMAND LINES * To play either: a) type DUKE3D /MAP Gallows.MAP or b) run SETUP and choose SELECT USER LEVEL or c) run MODEM GAME, select yer options, and then SELECT USER MAP d) etc. Come and get it....