====================================================================== Title : gamepad.map Author : Travis Henson E-mail : thenson@edge.net Description : This is my third Duke level. After replicating my house, my high school, and our "Game Pad", my next level will be something which hasn't already been built IRL. The Story : This is a model of the place where 4-6 of my friends and myself meet quite often to drink beer and blow each other to bits. (Honest to god, it's in "Duke's Trailer Park") Additional Credits to : The Network Entertainment Dudes - Brian, Chris, David, Ken, and Kevin, for playtesting this level. Ken Silverman and all the folks at 3dRealms for making such an awesome game. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Not this one. DukeMatch Level : Yes (Made soley for this purpose). Difficulty Settings : Nope. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build time : Way too long. Build seems to be a neverending learning experience. Build's lack of documentation is uncool. Known Bugs : None of which I am aware. If you find any let me know. * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. *Where to find this map* You can drop me a line at thenson@edge.net or visit our gaming group's awesome page at: http://edge.edge.net/~csken/nednet/index.htm