====================================================================== Title : HEMI-265 Author : {WRECKER} E-mail : Wrecker@onaustralia.com.au Web Page : Not yet Description :This is a dukematch level designed for 4 player comps. , all weapons and supplies are spread about to stop "cheezy" players from filling up and sniping all the time, you gotta get out to earn ya points in this one, this map started out with me trying a few new architectual moves in build to help me make a cool single player level and it ended up looking so good i persisted and turned it into one excellent death-match map, anyway enough crap , give it a run and e-mail me to tell me wether you liked it or hated it. Additional Credits to : My good duke (and quake)buddy Irish for helping me test all levels , also to 3d realms (can't wait for shadow warrior ) and Klaus Breuer for the best friggin faq on the net. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : DukeMatch Level :You betcha Difficulty Settings : * Construction * Base : All mine , 12 hours build time (still a newbie at this) Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : This one is as clean as a whistle. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: none BBS numbers: Other: I will be down loading it to as many pages as possible. ===========================================================================